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Things were already difficult enough, but a bit of confusion and intermittent loss of executive function has me concerned. (In myself).

If I take my eyes off my dH, he closes the blinds over the parakeet sitting in the window, now trapped with no food or water. Discovery is 2 hours later when I cannot find the bird at bedtime. This has happened twice in one month.

The stress from the requirement of constant supervision has affected me, and the threat of fires has me stressed out. We are both sleeping too much, but he just does not get up anymore at 9:00 a.m. and it takes until 4 p.m. to leave the house-both of us have anxiety.

I bank by telephone (computer challenged), and forgot the phone number.
I called later and was successful. So, it is intermittent.

Health insurance has me baffled and I could hardly navigate the system to receive the required pre-authorization before, but now, I just will not be able to do it at all.

That gall bladder surgery will need to wait until it is an emergency. Today, I have nausea and scratchy, dry eyes.

Paying bills will be enough to do for the first two weeks in August.

My sweet potato plants died yesterday when changing the water, left out in the sun without water. My fault when dH said he filled them with water and I did not double check if it was true.

It is just too hot outside.

Rant over.

Good, Golden. I wasn't aware of that. I feel a bit reassured. Thank you.

Alva, I wouldn't worry. Need has taken time off before without giving us a warning. Her daughter's friend died and she hasn't posted since. That seems to be a pattern for her - a stressful event then time out. She can be off the forum for quite a while.

What worries me about Needs, Nacy, is that she hasn't told us she is going "off line" for a bit. I don't see her just leaving without saying "I am taking a break for a while". I am hoping she is OK, or that some one of us has heard from her.

Alva, I'm glad you had a good time! 😌 It's probably very good for all of us to limit are social media time anyways.

I haven't heard from Needs, and I don't think Waytomisery has either. She had the health issues, then a young good friend of her daughters and family died, suddenly. a
I haven't seen anything sence from her. 😞

That was just around the time of your vacation.

Nacy, My time off was lovely. It's hard to get back on Social Media. I am also doing a major do-over in a portion of the yard which keeps me occupied.

I am, however, concerned about NeedHelpWithMom who has been gone a while I hear? When I left she had a syncopal episode and some low heart rate concerns and was wearing a heart monitor which was troublesome only in some itchy leads. I head she hasn't been posting for a while? Has anyone heard from her?

Alva, how was your month off??

Willie, I did mention skipping my walks. Not due to my foot though. That is finally healed. Ironic really. I can walk now but since getting covid twice I don't have any energy. In fact it was while going for a walk that I realized "hey, I'm losing my breath" and then woke up next day with covid.

I know intellectually that I need to exercise to get my stamina up but my get up and go has gotten up and left lately.

As for my foot. It stills hurts occasionally if I wear the wrong shoes. But otherwise it's doing good.

💃🕺🎶 LOL

(and it's FUN)

Back to dancing in the kitchen then.

Skipping may be a little bit too much but the fancy footwork in my exercise videos has definitely improved my balance and made me more able to recover from life's little stumbles.... it's mostly just marching, kicking, side steps and cross overs. Playing your own music during the videos can slow down the pace if it's too challenging (or on days you're feeling less energetic).

Sends, it sounds like something I would say. Lol

I'm trying not to say that anymore, people give me a look, and roll there eyes.

I've never had an issue with weight, or I have but the opposite issue. I realized I shouldn't be giving dieting advice.

It's like someone giving child raising advice that never had kids. Lol

So I'm 🤐

How about "Move more, eat less"?

I don't remember who said that.

Skipping while walking is much too strenuous,
and could be dangerous in the older population.

[This is just a joke, imo].

Which I realized a long time about exercising, walking and moving is what helps me with anxiety.

Every now and then I stop for a bit for what ever reason, and my anxiety comes back. Then I'm like dummy start moving.

I use to get my summer exercise in the pool, but since we don't have one this year I gotta change it up

That was me CW that's been skipping mywalks

I belong to a group that has discussed long covid a lot, it seems severe illness and/or lasting effects are the luck of the draw and having sailed through easily in the past is not a guarantee of escaping them in the future.

You mentioned skipping your walks Gershun - does that mean you are finally over your broken foot?

Gurshen, yeah, I had that brain fog from covid for a couple weeks, it was strange, like I had to tell myself to open the door before I walked into it.

Exercise is my natural anxiety pill. Which I've been really slacking a little because of the humidity, and mentally I'm starting to feel it. hubby has a back issue, lately so when he sits around he likes me to sit with him.

Boccie tonight, that will get me outta this funk.

Beatty, I think it was you who warned me I might have brain fog after covid. I definitely do!🤔

I hope it ends soon. For both of us.🤞

Gershun, oh same! Since Covid (again) I forget or misplace stuff everywhere! Even left my swimwear at the pool (now lost). Get to work.. glasses? Nope. Lunch? Nope. 🙄

Send, how about "Move it or Lose it"? 🏃‍♂️🤪

Send, I haven't been going for my walks or anything lately. Shame on me! My latest bout with covid really knocked out my energy and don't get me started on the brain fog. I really need to self monitor my ways now. Keys? check. Wallet? check Did I lock the door? Check.

I went out twice in the last little while and forgot to lock the door behind me. I've been forgetting to put my seat belt on too. Little things. I attribute it to the covid cause it started right after that.

My husband exercises to videos online-takes over the living room all morning, most days.
It is a good thing!

Puts me to shame as I am hiding out in the bedroom to give him the tiny space we have.

Not a complaint.

Can someone start a NEW exercise thread?

Call it
"CWillies Exercise Buddies"
"Exercise Buddies share their stories"
"How to Exercise to keep enjoying life"

"Don't Call It Exercise, keep moving to save your own life"

"Exercising While Aging"

The reason I don't want to start a discussion thread is that posters direct their questions to the original poster for years, and I just don't have time to do that.

Cwillie, way to go!

I’d like to brag about exercise. Not only am I playing hockey again but I’m back on the points sheet. But to paraphrase Matthew McConaughey’s character David Wooderson: That’s what I hate about these new players. I get older, they stay the same age.

Good for you cwillie! Enjoy that bike.

The exercise thread has been closed so I'll post this here -
I finally pulled my bike out of the shed but while riding noticed the tire was almost flat so on a whim I biked over to a friend's bike shop to see if he'd fill my tire. He not only did that he gave the bike a tune up complete with a new seat, reflectors and raised handlebars, all for the cost of the parts... I have no more excuses to not ride!

Doggiemom , I'm so happy that you are having all these realization. Really happy for you.

Getting away from it all and clearing your head is so good.

It's a road but as they say you are getting out of the FOG. 🙂

I wanted to let you know how I am doing. I have a new teaching job as an ESL teacher that is ten minutes walking distance from my home. I will be serving Mark with the divorce papers and hopefully have the divorce final within two months.

I realize that I stayed far too long in a marriage that was full of emotional and verbal abuse. Mark is I the ICU getting dialysis daily and his memory is getting worse. He was offered hospice and he again refused. I realize I let myself go in far too many ways and am healing and my mental health is much better.

I guess the best thing is that I did leave and realize that I am a worthy person. I sympathize with Mark and told him the other day I care about him, but the divorce is final. I told him I do not love him, and that made him very angry. He said I quit loving him because he got sick. The truth is, I realized that his being ill highlighted my unhappiness.

I plan on leaving New Mexico for Ohio within a couple years.

That's right way, a toast for them to have their right to rot, I'll drink to that! And I don't drink, but that's deserves a drink 🍻

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