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They where both amazing. Tim Conway was actually dyslexic, and he got laughed at so much , he went into comedy. He was a comic genius.

Loved Bob Newhart, too!

They both lived a good long life.

My Dad really loved Bob Newhart’s humor . When Dad was sick I got him some DVD’s of his stand up routines .

Dad liked Tim Conway too from Carol Burnett. That was a good show too .

We have lost Bob Newhart. He was such a funny man, I always appreciated his dry wit.

Anxiety ,

Good for you ! It’s on your Mom , when she is ready she will take pain med .

I’ve been pleased with myself lately , as well , that I have been better about letting go of feeling bad about my MIL’s situation of her choosing.

Perhaps I should toast to her “ right to rot” . !!

I had a light bulb moment while answering another post about mom. Yes she is in pain from her back, and yes I hate to see her in pain. And it's really upsetting me to see her in pain.

But she is the one that is refusing pain meds. This is on her, this is her responsibility.

If I was 88 and in pain, I would take anything they would give me to help

We can only go so far north untill we are in Canada. Lol.

I could see people leaving the south and moving north . It’s even been predicted that it will happen if the temperatures continue to rise each year .

It's been a heat index of 100 in NYS.

A friend said she wants to move some place cooler.

I said your going to probably have to go to Alaska for that.

We are getting more rain this morning and supposedly a drop in temperature tomorrow. I have to roll my eyes at the hyperbole from every weather forecast - "a relief from the sweltering heat" - come on, it may be uncomfortably humid but we haven't even been hitting 30° here.

CW, I've thought of that.

We are supposed to get a break from the intense heat, Thursday, so something to look forward to.

Go to Walmart and get a kiddie pool Anxietynacy, why should kids have all the fun 🤽🌊🏊‍♀️

Yeah are pool died last year, we decided on not replacing it. Sound like a good idea at the time. 😂

I have shrubs that need to be trimmed desperately . It’s been too hot to do it . Car needs to be washed , and garage swept out too . Hopefully later this week I’ll get to it . I’m in an excessive heat warning until Wednesday .
Summer is only good if you have water activities, beach , pool. Otherwise Fall is better .

I think I'd rather have a bit of rain than 91 , with 96 heat index. 🥵 Not sure if I'm going to be able to keep my flowers alive, if this keeps up

rain, rain and more rain today is keeping me inside and I am going stir crazy

way and ITRR: Thank you so much!

Llama, congratulations! That is no small feat in this old world.

May The Lord continue to bless your union.

Llama , Congrats !!

golden and Need: Thank you so much!

Happy Anniversary, Llama!

Llama - congratulations,. That's an achievement!!! 🎈🎉🎊

DH and I are celebrating 43 years of marriage today!💝

Needs, luckily I kind of believed mom, when she mentioned something was wrong and wanted to go back to rite aid , I kinda thought it was just her wanting to go shopping. Lol

I ask my doctor questions whenever I am prescribed medication.

I am fortunate to have a great pharmacist that has always taken the time to speak with me over the phone or in person.

If they have a new manufacturing company making their meds, they inform me that is why my pills look different.


I am like your mom and check everything before I take it.


Many pharmacists do work very long hours. Not as many drugstores are open 24 hours a day now.

I do trust the pharmacist, they really do catch the medicines, that shouldn't be used together, that doctors may not realize.

But rite aid , mix up my mom's meds, the they doubled her heart rhythm meds , that slows her heart rate. Luckily mom realized the pills looked a little different than usual, or it could of ended very bad,

Except even pharmacists are overworked! My pharmacy used to employ a stellar pharmacist, but he left.

I find it useful to ask my pharmacist all of my questions about medications. They have been trained in this area and are knowledgeable about medications, interactions, etc.

In my experience, pharmacists will even bring up important issues with their customers. They keep a record of meds that are prescribed.

Years ago, I went to buy an over the counter medicine and my pharmacist warned against me taking it, because it would interfere with a prescription medication that I was taking.

Yep, the medical field is as much off a mess as are government, if not more

It is truly impossible for doctors today to keep up with all the changes in all the branches of medicine and that's why most patients end knowing much more about their own illnesses than their PCP does. When I went to have my implant removed my own doctor was unaware of en bloc procedure and why it is so important. She said she really had thought that this is just a good plastic surgeon and a remove the implant. Essentially it IS and the plastic surgeon WILL BE familiar with en bloc and how and why important. But the GP isn't aware, cannot possibly know everything about each doctor's specialty.

I also find that overall doctors know very little about the prescriptions they give for any medications having to do with anxiety, depression and so on. They are sold a bill of goods on the latest darling of the pharmaceuticals all unaware that getting off some of these things takes almost years of tritrating down in miniscule amounts. Doctors have replaced psychiatrists and when a patient goes in with a complaint they reach for a prescription pad with little knowledge of the drugs and what's happening out there in the world with them.

Just my humble opinion.

Good luck venting, hand in there, were here if you need to vent. So sorry!

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