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Garden, favoritely searching for garden therapy.

Sendme, try this link - it just worked for me:

As of this very moment, it's on the second page of the Discussion section.

See you there! Bring your trowel, seeds and enthusiasm and join in!

Reading the above about the eagles I can only magnificent they must be!

That reminds me of something I heard about they are the only bird that, when confronted by a severe extreme turbulence, unlike other birds, they will head directly INTO the storm and are, by doing so, catapulted up above the clouds and turbulence...I want to try to be an eagle...

I hear that the south is in for a much cooler burst of air this week and I am almost giddy I am so excited. I have my coffees ready to go and am so excited for that first hot cup on a crisp morning... I've got Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cobbler, Blueberry Cobbler and Hazelnut..and of course the standard coffee...But I do those those fruit infused's like cheating without the guilt...ooooh...can't wait...eeeeeek!

Hope, what an excellent attitude reflected in your post above. Me too, would like to be an eagle, facing and flying into the storm. That is sort of like me anyway, once I am done hiding, re-grouping, and then can find my wings.
You will be okay, that's for sure!

News that’s sometimes so good it’s heartwarming, sometimes so humorous that I can only chuckle.

Heard this evening on the way home on one of the Canadian channels:

A software firm in Tel Aviv is hiring computer programmers. Sounds great, right?

Well, the primary qualification is: Must speak fluent Klingon. I guess Star Trek is popular in Israel, or perhaps someone’s designing some programs geared to Worf and his peoples.

No information though on whether or not one needs to let his hair grow long and wild Klingon style, or wear armored vests, or eat those horrible meals that Klingons eat.

Just out of curiosity, I did some Googling and found this article on Klingon speaking programmers:


Guess there's validation for those folks who just fell in love with the Klingon lifestyle.

When you're feeling weary, feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I'm on your side. When times get rough,
And friends just can't be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water,
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water,
I will lay me down.

Simon & Garfunkle
Bridge Over Troubled Water

When you're down and out,
When you're on the street,
When evening falls so hard,
I will comfort you.
I'll take your part.
When darkness comes,
And pain is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water,
I will lay me down,
Like a bridge over troubled water.
I will lay me down.

Simon & Garfunkle
Bridge Over Troubled Water

Sail on Silvergirl,
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine.
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
If you need a friend,
I'm sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water,
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water,
I will ease your mind.

Simon & Garfunkle
Bridge Over Troubled Water

Bravo! Bravo! To Sendme2help.


Coloresue, hi, and thanks. That is why I am up at 1:12 a.m. in SoCal. What are you doing up, or is it a different time there?

You're most welcome. It's 4:28am here, really 3:28am 'cause we're on daylight savings time a little longer here in Fl. I'm just staying up too late because I crave the quiet. Why are you up?

I'm now looking through some of my fave songs to see if the words are good to post here. YOU got me started! Great idea!

No, correction. We should be 3 hrs. apart. 4:28 am.

Hello, good morning everyone
Underneath the glorious sun
I wrote a little song for you

Sometimes we forget we are
The image of the love of God
So please, if you don't mind
Let me remind you

That we were made to love each other
As a sister and a brother
Imitate perfection in this imperfect world

Hey, welcome to life! I hope you enjoy it
In between yesterday and tomorrow
Welcome to life! I hope that you get it right

On the way, I do confess
We stumble, fall, and make a mess
Everything we try to hold dear

So be honest when you pray
And maybe thank him for today
And let go of the future
So unclear

Listen for the voice of mercy
Cast our all your fear and worry
Can't you see you've only got room for the cross?
And you live and you'll die
You'll be honest and you'll lie
Put your trust where the truth is
And you treasure where your heart is

So, welcome to life! I hope you enjoy
In between yesterday and tomorrow
Welcome to life! I hope that you get it

Hope that we get it right
Hope that I get it right

Welcome to life!
Welcome to life!

by Matt Maher

Well I have been hunting for humour in poetry and found these :
don't know who to accredit them other than to Denny davis whose site I found them on
ABC's of Aging

A is for arthritis,
B is for bad back,
C is for the chest pains. Corned Beef? Cardiac?
D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight--can't read that top line.
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention--
and not to forget other gastrointestinal glitches)
H is high blood pressure
I is for itches, and lots of incisions
J is for joints, that now fail to flex
L is for libido--what happened to sex?
Wait! I forgot about K!
K is for my knees that crack all the time
(But forgive me, I get a few lapses in my
Memory from time to time)
N is for nerve (pinched) and neck (stiff) and neurosis
O is for osteo-for all the bones that crack
P is for prescriptions, that cost a small fortune
Q is for queasiness. Fatal or just the flu?
Give me another pill and I'll be good as new!
R is for reflux--one meal turns into two
S is for sleepless nights,
counting fears on how to pay my medical bills!
T is for tinnitus--I hear bells in my ears
and the word 'terminal' also rings too near
U is for urinary and the difficulties that flow (or not)
V is for vertigo, as life spins by
W is worry, for pains yet unfound
X is for X ray--and what one might find
Y is for year (another one, I'm still alive).
Z is for zest
For surviving the symptoms my body's deployed,
And keeping twenty-six doctors gainfully employed.

Prayer for Senility:

God grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.

A Little Mixed Up

Just a line to say to say I'm living,
that I'm not among the dead
Though I'm getting more forgetful,
and mixed up in my head;

I've got used to my arthritis,
To my dentures I'm resigned.
I can manage my bifocals,
But, Oh God, I miss my mind.

For sometimes I don't remember,
At the bottom of the stairs
If I was going up for something,
or if I just came down from there.

And before the fridge so often,
my poor mind is filled with doubt--
Have I put the food away . . .
Or come to take some out?

There are times when it is dark
And my nightcap's on my head
I don't know if I'm retiring,
or just getting out of bed;

So if it's my turn to write you,
There's no need in getting sore,
I may think that I have written
And I don't want to be a bore.

Please remember that I love you,
And I wish that you were here;
But now it's nearly mail time,
So I must say goodbye, my dear.

Now here I stand beside the mailbox,
With my face so very red,
Instead of mailing you my letter,
I have opened it instead!

Reading, coffee, wine, watching Parts Unknown, Barefoot Contessa and looking forward to the new season of Top Chef and Downton Abbey. I normally enjoy cooking but lately it's been frozen or takeout due to the past few months.

Madamebutterfly, I too enjoyed Downton Abbey. Watching it on the Roku box, not quite t.v., so must wait until it is released later, not live or at the times others get to watch it.

Falcon, nice find! Have seen those before, and enjoyed them. Funny to me. I also like the poem, " When I am Old, I shall wear purple".

Thanks, Colorsue, for posting favorite songs.
One of my favorite singers kinda folksy, is Don Francisco of Rocky Mtn. Ministries, he sings as if he were the person, telling bible stories. He sings: (as Jesus):
"I don't care where you've been sleeping, because I already died to set you free."
Only one of my favorites.

A nice, slow, relaxed drive on the "back roads" on a sunny but crisp Sunday in September.....heavenly....

My Mama's smile

The smell of "fall" while standing on the back deck...our first real feel of fall this weekend here in the south...there is the sweetest "woodsy" scent drifting from the hills...

The coziness of flannel lounge pants with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa

Waiting, waiting, waiting for that winter that may bring enough cold to wear flannel p.j. pants. 100 degrees, summer in socal.

The excitement of approaching fall, the comfort of adding another blanket or quilt at night, and the almost comfortable chill in the house when the outside temperature plunges to mid 40's so early in September.

I'm amazed! I like Don Francisco, too! I haven't listened to him in ages, though, because everything I have is in cassette form. Yup, really old. He's so good at putting scripture to folksy songs. And some funny songs.

As a Canadian I know it is almost unpatriotic to admit this, but I HATE winter, I hate being cold all the time, I hate the short hours of daylight, and I especially hate having to haul my a** out and shovel snow (at least I don't have to drive through it to get to work now, I hate that too!) So as much as you all are enjoying Fall days and the changing leaves, I am seeing the slippery slope toward winter... ugh!

I sympathize with your hate of winter! I can only guess how much it dominates your year since you're in Canada. It's entirely reasonable to be tired of a season that happens so many months of your year & causes so much extra work just to function.
Here in Florida I get so very tired of the incredibly hot & humid months that dominate our calendar. It may sound good to others, but the problems it brings get very old very fast. I still think we get the better deal because we can hide in the air conditioning.
Have you thought of coming south for awhile? Hang in there!

Watching the leaves turn bright red, and all shades of gold then crunching through them on a walk in the forest

Yep, fall weather is good. Now wife can do all her wonderful baking, house smells good, oven warms house, I'll be on MY 600 POUND LIFE TV show by next spring........

It is definitely Fall in the air here in the PNW, slight overcast and biting wind, brr! I love this time of year though, my favorite. Watching all of our trees and bushes turning color in the yard. I just received a super cute red corduroy barn/car coat I purchased on Ebay. Brnd new, 5 buchs, and 5$ shipping, not bad, and a perfect fit, I'm stoked when I order online and my item fits perfectly! Gosh, I will put it on now!

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