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Windy....what, no man caves? No massive Ford 250 trucks?

At least you'd have a garage for your man stuff. I once dated a guy who kept spare tires in his living room. Yuck.

I had a wonderful surprise in the mail today - one of my very favorite things: the first fall garden catalogue! I know what I'm going to be doing today. I also need to get busy and call the garden suppliers I haven't yet ordered catalogues from so I can have the biggest supply source from which to choose.

You're right, I left out some good stuff: loud guns, four wheel drive trucks, weekend in Vegas with the boys, fixing cars after several beers.

Best ever Man/Reneck joke:

You might be a redneck if you wife has ever said, "Honey will you please move that transmission so I can take a bath!"

Well, Windy, you're providing my entertainment for today!

Here are some other "guy" things to consider - might as well be all inclusive.

Firecrackers, lots of them and all kinds. Start setting them off a few weeks before July 4th and continue for a few weeks afterward. Set them off late at night to disturb the neighbors who need to get up early the next day.

All sorts of lawn equipment - the more the better. Start at 7:30 or 8:00 am and wake up the neighbors. Do this 2x weekly so that the lawn never has a chance to grow.

Then be sure to water it afterward so that it does grow enough to be mowed in a few days.

Saturday and Sunday mornings are also good times to rotate tires; the sound of whatever that power tool is to loosen the lug nuts, as well as the thumping of the tires on the driveway once removed is always pleasant about 7:30 Saturday or Sunday morning.

But the best yet is tuning up the car; spend hours doing it, and again, always on the weekend so working neighbors can spend their days off listening to the sound of an engine running and being surged.

And yes, these are based on neighbor's activities.

I think you ought to start a "Guy's Favorite Things" thread. And how about the things that men find challenging about women - such as the massive assortment of lotions and powders in the bathroom closet? Huge collections of shoes in closets. And, yes, I'm guilty of those traits as well.

Hope and Massach, I've never heard of blueberry coffee. Is it instant? Or is it a Starbucks treat? Where do you find it - in a grocery store or specialty store?

GA....The one I buy is by Yellow Eagle Lodge and it is actually Blueberry Muffin...but I found this at Big Lots of all places....the price was much better and I don't know that I've seen it at any of the local specialty stores...The Pumpkin Pie Spice and there is another one..Apple Cobbler, that is by Dunkin Donuts...all three are ground coffees and when they are perking...mmmmmm......they really are wonderful!!!

ALSO!!! Yay!!! I got my Jackson Perkins catalogue yesterday !!! LOVE it...another favorite thing!

Windy...hey, I buy a LOT of cool stuff from our Tractor Supply of my favorite things!!! I keep telling my friends they ought to go..they have some awesome tshirts and boots for well as other neat treats!!!
Report noooo...don't encourage Windy about the fireworks...there is a guy up the street who, on ANY possible occasion....gets those fireworks going...he also loves playing with some type of "cannon" that he built....scary...and worse, it literally shakes the windows on our house when he starts firing that thing...

Windy, you'd fit right in with the men in my clan - not a Christmas goes by without someone getting beef jerky, someone getting some booze, and the deer head hanging in our living room even has a name. And bacon is its own food group.

ahhh...beef jerky and booze...good stuff....I'm not a hunter so I'm saying no to the head on the wall...but most of the men in my extended family have them...

OK, Windy, GA and all are truly entertaining me. I literally laughed out loud...and GA your comment about the guy who stored tires in his living room made me remember an experience I hadn't thought about in years. Back in college (a gazillion years ago) my BF and I visited his friend. Now I genuinely liked Leo...he was quite a character, but somewhat lacking in basic social skills. The door to his apt. opened directly into the living room. Not 1 stick of furniture. There was, however, a fully torn down truck engine spread out across the floor boards. Leo greeted us with, "Hey, pull down some chairs". He was serious. In a far corner there were 4 or 5 big, overstuffed, upholstered armchairs piled 1 on top of another right up to the ceiling. I once (as in 1 time only) used Leo's bathroom. It was actually quite clean BUT there was no towels. There was however, a large can of GOOP ( now there's a guys favorite thing) and a big pile of those purple industrial type paper towels (wow...another guys favorite thing) know....the kind you used to find in gas station restrooms (maybe another guys favorite thing?!). Leo had a mad crush on my BFF. She was mightily P.O'd tho when she found out he had inquired after her by saying to me, "Hey, where's your cute know...the fat chick." LOL...OK, I guess I am somewhat off topic BUT you guys did make me literally Laugh Out Loud and that is definitely one of my favorite things...and quite good for your health, also!

Mina, welcome to the laughter club. I certainly did a lot of that as I pictured a truck engine torn down in someone's living room! What makes it even better is the Goop and paper towels.

You didn't describe the kitchen...should I even dare to ask?

Perhaps his comment about your friend being a "fat chick" (chick is such an insulting word in my opinion) is why his living room serves as a garage instead of a room for entertaining friends. I'm guessing he's still single!

I'll bet if he ever dates he comes for his date in his truck.

You're right, laughter is great for health. Mine is pretty good after reading this thread and the posts.

Linda, your comment on bacon reminded me of some of the men we see when we go for breakfast brunch. Their plates are piled high with high fat and cholesterol foods, including mounds of bacon. Sometimes it's entertaining to see what people have on their plates when returning from the brunch bar.

My son received a gift bag full of guy foods, including all sorts of bacon items like bacon jerky. He was in hog heaven...pun intended.

Hog heaven gifts - I like it! I could see it offered every holiday! Imagine the joy of receiving a Hog Heaven catalogue.

I forgot to mention how considerate some are to share their favorite activities, such as baseball and football games. It's especially thoughtful to turn up the radio volume so loud that all the neighbors can hear the game.

And it's especially considerate to do so when someone wants to garden in her back yard, listen to the songs of the birds and the soft rustle of the trees.

Of course the volume has to be so loud that when said gardener goes back inside, she can still hear the games even though her yard is almost 300 feet deep and the kind neighbor is at the end of that yard.

Of course I would love to share some sound, so one day I'll take a CD player to the back of the yard and play the Ride of the Valkyries from Wagner's Die Walkure. Hopefully I can find a recording with Birgit Nilsson singing; her voice is so powerful it can literally make the ground tremble. I'm sure they'll enjoy that.

I do want to be a grateful neighbor.

Most guys I know adhere to the Miss Piggy Diet Plan:


Favorite comments from menfolk - "I'm eating more fish like the doctor said. I stopped at Long John Silver's". "Pinto beans are a vegetable" "Pickles are a vegetable". "These homemade granola bars are good, but they need chocolate chips"

Mina...goop and purple gas station towels...what a hoot. I can see it now. ..and the stack of chairs. ..hahaha......I am loving thinking of all the little quirks our more rugged counterparts really is entertaining.

I remember a guy I dated in college who kept one of those smaller dorm type refrigerators in his "living room" so he wouldn't miss any critical plays of the football games. ..the thing that made it funny was. ..his living room was all of 5 feet from his regular refrigerator. ..he was so proud of coming up with that time saver

When I was still married, we had a beautiful back yard, and hosted a wedding.... of course it rained.... everyone comes trooping in the house and the mother of groom, with her lips pursed, asked, "IS THAT A MOTORCYCLE IN THE LIVING ROOM???"...... We all just looked at her like, well ya, where do you keep YOURS??

BTW girls, the hand leaner is not goop, it's GOJO. It's orange and has something like sand in it, pumice maybe. It's takes off the dirt and the outer layer of skin. Your hands are like boiled lobsters that have been sandpapered after using the stuff. I have the large econo size in my garage. But after changing out the u joint on the tractor nothing else works. After your hands are dry and The healing process has begun, use Cornhuskers Lotion which smells like the disinfectant your grade school janitor used. Your quite welcome for the hand care beauty tips.

OK, Hope you just made me LOL again! And GA I definitely have some firecracker and other "loud noises" (just in a generic way those seem to be on the guys favorite things list) neighbor stories. I'm just waiting for Windy to start that new thread before I share. OTOH, I have some wonderful, quite elderly neighbors (mid-late 80's) who are also very active (golf league, bowling, gardening, etc.). I always go over and clean up their yards (across the street from me) after a storm or really windy day because I have several really large trees that drop leaves and branches during high winds/storms. They always tell me I don't have to do this ...."Oh Jerry will just take care of that w/the mower, dear".....well, Jerry's 88 w/a bad back, bad knee and CHF so.....I really don't mind doing and I seem to have this "pristine yard" (dare I say....OCD) thing in common...LOL....Let's hear it for lovely, wonderful (sometimes quite elderly) neighbors as a favorite about making a difference in your quality of life!

This thread should be named the Stress Relief or Laughter thread.

Ladee, you're serious? A motorcycle in a living room? That beats tires and a disassembled truck engine!

Windy, thanks for the lotion tips! Any suggestions for sore gardening hands? (big grin - sure wish we had emoticons).

Mina, where do you live? I'll move into that neighborhood! (no, I really don't want to know any personal information such as where you live - especially not on a public forum). All the neighbors like that have left here and gone elsewhere.

Garden Artist... yes, it was in the living room, fully assembled, I might add, A Harley Davidson..... We all rode Harley's, back in the day, so having one in the house was just standard.... it was a hoot watching the mother of the groom, who had come down from Ohio, trying to find a place to set, because I had brought all the cats inside so they wouldn't bother the guests... probably at least 10 of them.... best wedding I ever attended...!!!

Oh Windyridge, you just brought up a happy memory for me, cornhuskers lotion, my father had this on his sink and i remember him using it all my life. I cam still see the plain skinny bottle with the yellow cap, that was dad. I miss him so. He was one of my most favorite things. Always will be.
Report, I am almost rabid about our yard....I have a moderate sized former flower pot that is lightweight and I literally make a few runs daily when I see leaves falling on my nicely raked is maddening but I can't help myself...ha....

We also have a lot of elderly folks in our neighborhood and I love them so much..another reason the doofus with the cannon angers me so. I know how much they hate those really loud fireworks...I don't think most people mind the smaller ones or the sparklers, as long as they are used responsibly...but a cannon???? ugh....I kind of feel it is my mission to protect our neighbors...

Ah...the old Cornhuskers Lotion. I remember this stuff too. Mama kept it too and I would slather it all over myself after getting was kind of sticky if you used to much and I was bad about not using it responsibly...that and the original Rose that too....

Did anyone else on here sneak into the cabinet and get a swig of SSS Tonic? or Geritol...the liquid kind? I loved the taste of that stuff....I didn't realize it had a pretty decent alcohol content...maybe that's why I liked it so much...I just remember Mama used to wonder why the bottle always seemed to dwindle so quickly....I think she blamed Daddy....(sorry Daddy...) I loved the tasted of that iron or something in there...

Geritol? Hope, have you graduated to Boons Farm wine now? They have a very nice selection I'm told.......

Boones Farm..ah the memories...yall I was such a goody two shoes in my childhood years...I didn't even realize the Geritol was a no no for kids, I just loved the way it tasted...I remember when I got old enough to try the "real thing"..aka Boones Farm..hahaha....I was actually in kidding...what was the one that was so popular...something like Strawberry Fields???? I just remember thinking how I couldn't wait to try it...and then how much I hoped I never tasted the stuff again...Later would learn the screw on cap was kind of a giveaway.....

Friday confession: I actually went looking for a bottle of SSS or Geritol recently...I knew that I loved the taste, but also knew it was pretty good for the old blood system...never did find it..found the pills but I wanted the liquid...

One of my favorite things... the smell of fresh cut sawdust :)

Geritol? Fresh cut sawdust? You guys really need to expand your horizons ....

I love fresh cut sawdust too. It always reminds me of the fair that comes to town every summer. Actually starts this weekend but I probably won't go this year cause it used to be my favorite outing I did with my Mom every year. It would just be too sad for me to go this year. Too many memories.

I too love the fragrance of freshly cut wood, especially a tree that's been cut in fall when the air is crisp and fresh.

And I also enjoy using the logs as borders for garden beds. It's a great way to recycle trees that are cut down.

Gershun, was there a tree or log cutting contest or something similar in the fair?

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