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Hi gershun - I understand about doctors who don't ask and don't listen. Mine is somewhat like that though he s a soft spoken person which helps. So glad you found a good physiotherapist. Keep up the homework and you will get there. It's shocking what inactivity does to muscles. I have to tell you something funny. Remember a while back you were talking about the solitaire Free Cell with cwillie, and that you didn't get it. I play it quite often, at an easy level, and when I win it I find myself saying (to myself), "That's one for the gershun"! lol. I guess I am just weird but apart from that I am OK Been playing with supplements and finding some more that help me with the CFS/FM which is great. Haven't had a crash or much of a flare up for some time. Things are moving along OK re the condo and the weather is mild. What more can an old canuck want in January?

send - I know some people who take a cuppa coffee to get to sleep. I'm having a cuppa decaf right now in hopes that it will do something good for me. Normal - what's that?

Golden, that's funny about Freecell. Nice to be thought about. Keep on playing for me will ya? I am starting to get it but only at the easy/medium level. Hard and expert? Nah

The physio guy said yesterday that he's seen people's muscles atrophy a great deal in as little as 2 weeks. Scary. My one calf looks minute compared to the good one. So I'll keep plugging away at the exercises. My hubs isn't getting any more patient about this and doesn't seem to understand that when he's in a hurry he's on his own. I told him today I can't rush anywhere right now.

Send, they are always discussing atmospheric rivers here in B.C. Didn't we used to all just say it's raining heavily? LOL

Atmospheric rivers, polar vortex, weather bombs, named storms.... it's all a just way to make the 24/7 weather channels sound more relevant.

Good night to all the people staying up late!

i think it's so funny how us girls (of course there are exceptions, but it's true for like 99.999999% of us) love to watch romantic comedy movies, and guys don't. here i am watching one right now and laughing at how i'm a stereotypical girl.


one of my favorite things? rom coms. i can even watch the same one, over and over.

Bundle, I like a few rom-com movies like Pretty Woman. Richard Gere looked his best in that movie. Three men and a baby was very funny too.

BOJ, I must be the girl exception. I don't like rom-coms. I like war movies - Midway. The Longest Day, A Bridge Too Far. Also like Westerns. Tombstone is my all time favorite, along with Dances With Wolves.

Bridget, I would watch any one of the films listed before a rom-com. I, especially love films in black and white and Westerns are my all time fave.

When I was young we would go to the MGM movie theatre and watch all the war movies and Westerns kicked back on love seats with Shirley Temples being delivered by a cocktail waitress. Hooked me on those great scripts, directors and actors. So much so that my first career was in audio/video production.

I was super blessed to meet a man that was helping Micheal Blake's widow and I shared how much I loved Dances with Wolves, he gave me a signed, hardback copy of every book Mr. Blake had written. The movie is as good as the book, which is uncommon in my experience.

"black and white"  "all the war movies and Westerns"


westerns, black and white, war movies, nice :).

i bet no one in the entire universe can guess what kind of movie i'm watching right now...

(rom com)

"about fate" (2022 movie), i'm half-way through. very sweet.

Taking my granddog to the park! Just got home.

having a lot of fun right now, watching "my big fat greek wedding 2".
number 1 was great! and number 2 is really good, too.


i'm just in the beginning of the movie, where she's trying to teach her elderly father how to use a computer!! haha, i think we've all experienced something similar.

I had a massage at new place that opened in my town. The gal has 35 years of experience, and the prices are much better than the ones in the larger town nearby. I used to get them a few times a year but this is my year to try to do some "me" things more often. I feel wonderful!! She got the kinks worked out, gave me some things to do to help the tension, and DID NOT try to sell me on monthly massages! In fact I mentioned I was thinking about monthly ones, and she said every 2 or 3 months is fine unless I am having issues! Not that she would not be happy to see me monthly! I will be recomending her! I love giving my money to a local person instead of a huge place.

As for what we love to watch,, I am currently on a Bones kick! how did I miss the seasons of this? Hubs and I both love it, and due to several channels showing it we can find it several times a week! Gory yes, but it makes you think and learn new things!

Pamzi, I'm sold. I would definitely take your recommendation for this masseuse.

Massage and Reflexology are my favorite self care activities.

Found a new t.v. series, but can only watch the trailer and the first episode without a subscription.


Movie line:
"I'm sorry". "I have to ask this". "Is this you forever?"

❤️🙂 as some of you know, i loooooooooooove romcoms.

yesterday, i watched the absolutely worst romcom EVER ("Love in the Villa"). it's totally, totally ridiculous. i had to stop after a few minutes (never happened to me before, that i stop watching a romcom).

i started reading the reviews, to see if other people on this planet agreed with me how ridiculous this movie is.

well, i had a lot of fun reading the bad reviews.

this was my favorite review:
"You can feel your brain cells dying as you watch it."

haha :). i think i'm going to use that line in other contexts.
for example, next time i bump into a silly, rude person...
"You can feel your brain cells dying as you spend time with this person."


Hot oil treatment for my hair - apply the warm oil, then stuff your hair into a shower cap and wrap your head with a heated towel. Bliss and very relaxing!


I remember seeing my mom giving herself hot oil treatments when I was young. She had beautiful hair!

Need - I have very fine hair and long now and very "fly away" especially in the winter if I don't do something about it. I find the hot oil treatment really helps to make it more manageable, it looks better and is good for my scalp. I use coconut oil these days but not exclusively. Any oil is better than none, I tend to have dry skin and hair. I use baby oil on my face - not much else.


I think my mom used a product called VO5, something like that. Or maybe olive oil. I’m not sure.

Haven’t people used mayonnaise, eggs, beer in hair too? Beer was supposed to make hair shiny.

My hair is fine now too. I had thicker hair when I was younger. So many things affect our hair and skin. I only need a light moisturizer on my face. I do use lotion on my hands. They are always dry!

Golden, I also have long hair which I put in a clip. I had trouble for years with fine wisps around my temples that didn’t grow long enough to get in the clip. I solved it with help from the photographs of Ghislaine Maxwell (or help from her expensive hairdresser), where those small areas were clipped short. It looked good on her, and it works well for me too. My husband does it easily. Never ignore a good idea, no matter where it comes from!

Just something I learned a loooonnnggg time ago, when I would get perms.

When you use a hot oil treatment it does a better job if you use a clarifying shampoo first.

Any oil works. You just clarify, apply treatment, cover and wrap. Sometimes, I leave the oil treatment on overnight.

Just my experience.

Golden, you are so right. It is a relaxing treat to do a hot oil treatment.

I also have long thin hair, and it was feeling like straw a year ago. My Hairdresser told me to put oil on it, and stop washing every day. I use Monoi oil, and also some Aussie products. And I love deep conditioners once or twice a week. Hask and Freeman make some good ones I can find at my local $ store ( or 1.25 these days.. lol) They are working and my hair feels like new hair these days!

Is hot oil good for dry scalp? I seem to have a dry, itchy scalp.

My 3 little"kittens" are big girls now.
Today is their 6th birthday.
They're the light of my life and the reason I get out of bed every morning.
They've kept me going since I lost Mom.
I can't believe they're already 6 and they still act like little kittens.

Just watched a sweet movie, ‘Mrs. Harris goes to Paris.’ It’s set in the 50’s. A cleaning woman from London (widow) goes to Paris to buy a Dior dress.

Unfortunately my new favorite things is making me gain weight.
10lbs to be exact. lol.
I love Oikos banana cream& Activia vanilla yogurt. I got some Voortman wafer cookies and can't stop eating them in my yogurt.

need - I remember VO5. I think it was a leave in conditioner. I have a L'Oreal one that helps with the fly aways, and also John Frida serum

margaret - glad that works for you.

real - you shampoo first and then do hot oil treatment then??? shampoo again? I put enough oil on my hair that I have to shampoo after. I don't have much natural oil.

pamz -good advice from your hairdresser. Mine can get very dry feeling too. The hot oil once a week is a blessing and volumizes. I have to be careful of products as I have skin allergies.

Llama - I think it would be worth a try. My scalp always feels better after a treatment,

Luckylu -Happy Birthday to your kitties. Time flies, doesn't it?

Need - re Mrs 'Arris I read the book by Paul Gallico first many many year ago and also saw the 1992 movie version with Angela Lansbury. Both were just lovely. I have read other delightful books by him too.

catskie - Oh gosh. My willpower isn't that good. I just don't buy the stuff I want to gorge on. I found some really tasty dark. chocolate nut clusters - supposed to be keto. Once I ate one I wanted them all. So I finished them off pretty quickly and will not buy them again soon - maybe one package for a treat at Christmas. Nowadays they make processed food to be addictive so we will buy more of it.

golden: Thanks. I have color treated hair that I don't wash every day. Too harsh.

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