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I like both online shopping and store shopping. It depends on what I am buying. Online shopping is very convenient!

I love finding things on sale but I don’t do the Black Friday shopping. It’s too crowded and is crazy. Those things remain on sale after Black Friday ends. Plus, there is cyber Monday.

I agree . It depends on what I’m buying too. I also don’t go to stores Black Friday weekend .

I’m so very proud of my husband. He is confident without being vain or cocky.

He doesn’t toot his own horn. He was never the ‘life of the party’ type. He’s actually very quiet. He’s always been a ‘behind the scenes’ kind of guy.

Somehow, this young ‘free spirit’ kind of gal, (Me!) became captivated by this serious minded engineer. He grounded me in so many ways. We have been together for over 40 years!

He is a leader in his field and treats everyone who works on his engineering team with great respect.

His company is having their end of year gratitude event for their employees. My sweet hubby is going to receive three awards for inventing tech products and receiving patents.

We are all very used to living with our modern conveniences. A lot of hard work goes into designing and developing these products.


Not only do retailers not carry everything that we are seeking to purchase, so many brick and mortar shops have shut down. They were in financial trouble long before covid started.

Covid may have been the last nail in the coffin for them but eventually they would have had to close their doors to the public.

Need, that’s such a nice post you wrote about your husband.

Thanks, HH

He would be embarrassed if I pointed out his qualities to others. I feel incredibly lucky to have met him so many years ago.

When we were in school, he was a bartender and I was a waitress.

I’m so glad that I ordered a drink from him. Our friends teased us about the ‘love at first sight’ thing. He asked me out about five minutes after I ordered a drink from him.

Neither of us were even looking to get involved with anyone at that point in time. I suppose that some things are just meant to be,


Aww! So cute how you guys met .
My DH left me a note on my car and a single rose asking me to go to the high school prom . We both worked at the mall then. Lol. I said OK but just the prom . Hahaha. It’s been the longest prom ever!!!


That’s a wonderful story! Malls were a big thing back in the day! They were places to work, shop and socialize!

I love hearing how people met their spouses.


I was a waitress in a restaurant . The smallest uniform dress they had was an 8. I was a size 2 back then . It just hung from my shoulders . DH said he saw me walking through the mall and when I stopped walking my ( polyester ) dress kept going , swinging like a bell . He thought it was cute . We knew some of the same people in school but that was it . Never really talked to him. Anyway that stupid dress made him notice me and he asked my friend if I was going with anyone .


I was a size 3 in junior clothes or a size 2 in misses clothing. I didn’t have a uniform to wear. This was in a fine dining Italian restaurant. We wore black pants or skirts with a white blouse.

A size 8 must have been falling off of you, very baggy for sure! He saw something that he liked though. He asked about you!

Need: Congrats to your dh.

Thanks, Llama

Need, many congratulations to your husband!

Like yours, mine is big in his tech field, but modest, quiet, with tremendous focus, plodding along in the background. A stark contrast to my scatterbrained chaos. I think I’ve helped him unleash his creative inner hippie and nurture his not-so-inner child. We are always curious, learning and giggling. I hit the husband jackpot.

Need: You're welcome.

Having my coffee, heading out to the dog park with our granddog. Meeting friends for the parade tonight.

We have a new baby in the family! My godchild and his wife had their first child. He sent photos to my phone. He is the cutest little boy. I can’t wait to meet him. 8 lbs 7 ounces 21”.

Babies are so much bigger now, than when we were born. Mom said that we weighed about the same as a five pound bag of sugar 😁

"Babies are so much bigger now, than when we were born"

I was thinking that exact thing while reading your happy news LOL. I used to have newspaper clippings of birth announcements that my mom had saved and it was rare to see babies more than an ounce or two over 7 lbs, 6 lbs something ounces seemed to be the norm.


I don’t know what the average birth weight is these days. I wonder if the higher birth weight is due to different prenatal care than our mom’s had.

I have four godchildren. They all have children now. Nowadays, we see their pictures instantly due to iPhones.

Oh my gosh!! I spent a fortune on film for our camera and developing when our kids were young. Nowadays, new parents just click the camera on their phones.

I never did the video recording of my kids. I remember laughing at parents who lugged those huge cameras around on their vacations! I was perfectly happy with my 35mm camera.

8 lbs. 8 oz. Boy 21"

7 lbs. 10 oz. Girl 22"

Both were from a tall parent.

According to the WHO, the average birth weight of a full-term male baby is 7 pounds (lb) 6 ounces (oz)
or 3.3 kilograms (kg). The average birth weight of a full-term
female is 7 lb 2 oz
or 3.2 kg.
The average weight of a baby born at 37–40 weeks ranges from 5 lb 8 oz to 8 lb 13 oz. This is 2.5 to 4 kg.

Congratulations on the birth of your Godchild's son!
A happy event for you and the family.

That is a good birth weight!

Thanks, Send.

My girls were almost 7 lbs when they were born.

My neighbor was terrified when she was pregnant. She told me that her husband weighed 12 lbs at birth! He’s an average sized man. He started out in life well above average.

The premies are so tiny. Their clothes look like doll clothes.

Parade was fun last night! My daughter’s boyfriend who grew up on the east coast (Massachusetts) and then Denver (after his parents divorced) is falling in love with New Orleans! He visits here quite a bit.

So, far their long distance relationship is surviving. I know that my daughter really wants to move back to Denver as soon as it’s possible for her to do so.

Thankful there was an empty grave!

Amen! Send, I too am thankful for the empty tomb.

have developed a hopeless crush on someone.
(he's single, like me)
(i'm definitely not going to tell him.)

someone shoot me please.


bundle of joy

Nothing is "hopeless"
maybe the "shots fired" could be from Cupids quiver.

thanks grandma1954!

I am glad to have found this thread! I love animals, well except for snakes and creepy crawlies! I love anime and am a history nut (The Civil War, WWI, WWII, and Vietnam are my favorite). I love a great book and am like to write. I like to play chess. My favorite food is pizza but I also like steak and most Mexican food. I do have a sweet tooth and love chocolate and I also love ice cream my favorites being Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookie Dough, and Rocky Road. I love my dogs, but I also like cats (yes, I like both lol). I am that weird person who likes birds, rats, gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, etc. My favorite wild animals are wolves and tigers. I have too many different types of music and movies to name!

I also love vanilla and cherry scents. I love the sound of rain and a crackling fire but also find grasshoppers chirping and cicadias (as long as it's not a swarm, lol) soothing. I do love BBQ as well and the beautiful sunsets in New Mexico. I love the mountains and I guess I would say 80s music would be my main thing. I do love theater as well.

We have a lot in common doggiemom, I'm a war history freak too. Actually live right where the revolutionary war had a huge turning point, and went in are favor. My father was a huge revolutionary war buff. But I like the civil war mostly, there are still a few houses with tunnels in them for the underground rail road. I like to read historical fiction or non fiction the most. WW11. One time I was so excited because I meet a man ,who's mom wrote a famous book about the Holocaust. Just some stranger I was chatting with one day, and it was one of my favorite books.

So yeah I'm a little weird too. I also like bugs, always have they amaze me. Getting into birds now, seems to be what you do when you get older.

Butter pecan

Queen, Meatloaf, and Cindy Lauper! Oh can't forget Fleetwood Mac

My favourite sport is ice hockey.
After having been benched over 4 years due to caregiving responsibilities and injury, I have returned to my team.
Why yes, I am Canadian.

😊, that's wonderful Anna that you can get back to what you love. Keep us posted on how it's going

I love crocheting and hoping to start working on one of my granddaughter's memory quilt with her old baby blankets.

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