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I was a size 3 in junior clothes or a size 2 in misses clothing. I didn’t have a uniform to wear. This was in a fine dining Italian restaurant. We wore black pants or skirts with a white blouse.

A size 8 must have been falling off of you, very baggy for sure! He saw something that he liked though. He asked about you!


I was a waitress in a restaurant . The smallest uniform dress they had was an 8. I was a size 2 back then . It just hung from my shoulders . DH said he saw me walking through the mall and when I stopped walking my ( polyester ) dress kept going , swinging like a bell . He thought it was cute . We knew some of the same people in school but that was it . Never really talked to him. Anyway that stupid dress made him notice me and he asked my friend if I was going with anyone .


That’s a wonderful story! Malls were a big thing back in the day! They were places to work, shop and socialize!

I love hearing how people met their spouses.


Aww! So cute how you guys met .
My DH left me a note on my car and a single rose asking me to go to the high school prom . We both worked at the mall then. Lol. I said OK but just the prom . Hahaha. It’s been the longest prom ever!!!

Thanks, HH

He would be embarrassed if I pointed out his qualities to others. I feel incredibly lucky to have met him so many years ago.

When we were in school, he was a bartender and I was a waitress.

I’m so glad that I ordered a drink from him. Our friends teased us about the ‘love at first sight’ thing. He asked me out about five minutes after I ordered a drink from him.

Neither of us were even looking to get involved with anyone at that point in time. I suppose that some things are just meant to be,

Need, that’s such a nice post you wrote about your husband.


Not only do retailers not carry everything that we are seeking to purchase, so many brick and mortar shops have shut down. They were in financial trouble long before covid started.

Covid may have been the last nail in the coffin for them but eventually they would have had to close their doors to the public.

I’m so very proud of my husband. He is confident without being vain or cocky.

He doesn’t toot his own horn. He was never the ‘life of the party’ type. He’s actually very quiet. He’s always been a ‘behind the scenes’ kind of guy.

Somehow, this young ‘free spirit’ kind of gal, (Me!) became captivated by this serious minded engineer. He grounded me in so many ways. We have been together for over 40 years!

He is a leader in his field and treats everyone who works on his engineering team with great respect.

His company is having their end of year gratitude event for their employees. My sweet hubby is going to receive three awards for inventing tech products and receiving patents.

We are all very used to living with our modern conveniences. A lot of hard work goes into designing and developing these products.

I agree . It depends on what I’m buying too. I also don’t go to stores Black Friday weekend .


I like both online shopping and store shopping. It depends on what I am buying. Online shopping is very convenient!

I love finding things on sale but I don’t do the Black Friday shopping. It’s too crowded and is crazy. Those things remain on sale after Black Friday ends. Plus, there is cyber Monday.


I know . Online shopping is so convenient though . Plus some things aren’t even in the stores .


If they are late, Christmas will just last a little longer! That’s what I tell my daughters when their gifts to me don’t arrive on time.

It’s nice when packages arrive on schedule but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.

I finished Christmas shopping today too. Yay .!!! I just hope the things I ordered online last week aren’t late .😬🤦‍♀️.

I had an awesome massage today, and got my Christmas shopping done!! I love a good massage and have found the best woman to do it! Now to be more vigilant on getting them other month!

I often resort to movie lines when stumped for "original content" in my conversation. Last night, I became upset with Youngest Child, 33. This morning, the song "Kids" from the musical Bye Bye Birdie sprang to mind. "Kids, what's the matter with kids today? Why can't they be like we were, perfect in every way?" Movies are definitely one of my favorite things.


I second your kudos to the administration for doing their job!

The only thing that would improve the situation even more is if we had a block feature on private messaging. 😃

A block feature would come in handy at times!


Thanks. I do. It was fun to play cards with my family. Anytime I went on vacation I would bring back a fun deck of cards for them. That and coffee mugs because mom always had coffee made for us.

Thanks! I put most of this list when I spent time here before. It's way back on the comments now so I updated it. My family's always loved cards! Dad's getting a little old to keep up now but he still tries and we help him a little. I'm sorry your parents passed. I bet you miss playing cards with them.


I love your list! All my favorites too!

Well, my parents are deceased but I did play cards with my mom and dad.

Don’t have a convertible but I like them!

Favorite things:
Sunrises and Sunsets
Riding in my convertible on summer evenings
Card games with my father
The sound of my children's laughter
A good dinner and wine shared with friends
The wonder of teeny tiny fingers on a newborn
Having a clean house
Interesting and engaging conversation
Beautiful music

Tenth favorite:
Knowing the truth when someone else has guessed wrong. It can keep misinformation from spreading.

Sure, Send. And no, I didn't report a thing. Not something I do much of.

You have mentioned this twice, and I am wondering what I have missed that the admins deleted? I like that they catch something quickly.
Can you PM me?
I should not be so curious.
Did you report the post, or the admins found it?
I will survive if you don't tell me.

Many times when I am up from 3:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m., I see some amazing stuff, but then it is gone later.

Yes, Kudos to the Admins.

My dH and I worked so hard putting up Christmas lights yesterday, we took Aleve and slept through everything.

The lights look good, and our driveway is no longer so dark.

A good admin team that is on its toes and catching things that need to be caught! Kudos to them.

In the fall, people become obsessed with the colors yellow and orange.
Sherwin Williams has some yellow/orange paint colors, with silly names.
Obstinate Orange
Yellow Ochre
Laughing Orange
Gusto Gold
Decisive Yellow
Golden Fleece
Mellow Yellow
Outgoing Orange

Fall into Winter, the color of snow.

My current favorite thing?
Karen Savage reading Jane Austen's Persuasion on Librivox (free).
I am enthralled all over again.
Now I want to find the movie version with Ciaran Hinds, again.

My avatar right now:
The reflected crescents filtered onto the wall.

We had a beautiful sunny day here. It sort of felt like fall for a change. I met my friend for lunch. We ate outside and it was pleasant. I got my favorite salad.

I have always been captivated by eclipses, whether they are solar or lunar.

pamz: Sounds like a cozy morning into afternoon.

Went to a motel once, and that is exactly how I spent most of the day Saturday. Hallmark.

The eclipse was amazingly filtered through the tall trees and projected onto the wall of the house next door, lasting only one + 1/2 hour. The morning light dimmed a bit, but was darker at about two neighboring houses.
The visual was in varying degrees, and was seen as many little crescents of light, on the wall, the street, and a fence. Then, gone, it was full sun after that.

It was obviously meant for only me to see, Lol. But my dH is a witness. 🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙

send it was so rainy and cloudy here today we saw nothing. My friend and I did not go to to the craft fair, rainy and only in the 50s. I hate to admit we watched Hallmark movies in front of a fireplace all morning, and I kept watching them after she left!

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