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I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday Thanksgiving as I write this!

We actually had a normal Thursday here....we're going to my stepson's house on Saturday to celebrate Thanksgiving, along with my son and daughter and their families, so there will be 12 of us. If all goes as planned. A bit of snow is forecasted for tomorrow and Saturday, and my grandson has a fever, so fingers crossed that it all works out!

Hoping you have everything needed for you to have a good Thanksgiving Day!

You too LeaL. So glad this holiday has brought you a time of feeling so much better.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day.


I hope that you have the best Thanksgiving Day that you have ever had!

Enjoy every moment of Thanksgiving and the upcoming Christmas season.

I'm loving all the posts I am reading here. So thankful for all that is improving in your life, Lea, and the encouraging reponses from everyone else.


I am sooo happy to read this update!

Thank you, thank you, Lord, for the gift of our friend getting part of her life back! 🙌🙌

Lea....LOVING your post and that you're "happy tired." Best thing I've heard today!!!!!

Funkygrandma, your week away sounds good. Sometimes we need aloneness to rejuvenate. Have a great week.

Lea, so glad your getting out and about. It also helps to get that strength back.

For TG we are doing Bob Evans. We have done them before, trying a couple of other places, but their food was the better. I will be adding my sweet potato casserole, DDs favorite. And pineapple stuffing, nephews favorite. And a jello salad my DH likes. Made with cr cheese, marshmellow whip and coolwhip.

Lea, So happy to hear you are able to get out more and starting to feel better. I love the phrase ‘happy tired’.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Lea: What fantastic news!

DH's sister has always hosted Thanksgiving for as many as 26 of us.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!


You definitely have a gift for finding good deals!


I would have bought the jewelry too! Fantastic price!

Pam, $6 is a STEAL so enjoy the jewelry and wear it in good health!

Geaton, yes, happy-tired means I feel accomplished so it's ok to feel tired. I've earned It! Thank you for being happy for me. It's nice to not feel totally incapacitated lately. Also, the startle reflex has subsided GREATLY thank God.

FG, enjoy your week on the beach. It sounds heavenly bc I always feel rejuvenated at the beach.

NHWM, I'm the shopper in the family. I picked out some great items for DD which she liked, so she filled up 2 bags for well under $100. One rack had $5 items and an amazing flowy chiffon handkerchief jacket in shades of pink and off white that had to have been $125 new, at least. Into the pile it went 😂🤣😁

Lea I thought of you yesterday when I was at a Christmas craft show. A lady had a huge stand of costume jewelry, and here I am trying to downsize.. but I noticed a bracelet and matching earrings, in the boxes, with the price tags on them at over 80$ High end ( if you get me) QVC style stuff, and very pretty for winter as it's heavy and solid looking. I got them for 6$ ! Hey I will get my money back just wearing and enjoying them over the holidays.. can always get my money back later at that price! Or if not, at least I enjoyed them!

..."happy-tired"... I never heard anyone else use that expression but we've used it in our home all my life and everyone always understands what it means. So happy for your happy-tiredness! I'm thankuful for your progress!

I too am delighted to hear that you're getting out more and that your endurance is getting better. You've had such a tough road that I hope it's all smooth sailing from here on out, with you improving more and more with each passing day.
I have actually rented a oceanfront condo at Holden beach here in NC for the week of Thanksgiving just for myself for a much needed retreat and reset.
Both my children had other plans for Thanksgiving and I went to a Friendsgiving last night, so I already got my turkey, ham and the fixings fix for the year, so I thought it a perfect time to just get alone with God and see what He may have in store for me next. I'm definitely looking forward to just getting away and having quiet time with Him.
I leave tomorrow and come back the following Monday, so I won't be checking in here until I get back.
I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving in whatever way you choose to celebrate it, and that if nothing else you will take the time to remember all the many things you have to be thankful for.
God bless you all.


So happy to hear that you’re getting out. I have to ask, is your daughter as good of a shopper as you are? Did y’all find anything at the consignment shop?

When my daughters started spending their own money, they quickly realized that they had to budget! Actually, my oldest daughter always budgeted well, even with with her childhood allowance. She saved up for special things that she really wanted.

My youngest one, our little diva struggled to learn how to save. She spent her allowance as soon as she got it! Eventually she grasped the value of a dollar. I would have never thought during her younger years that she would become a business major in college.

We are having a quiet thanksgiving at home with just our immediate family.

Enjoy your thanksgiving dinner with your family!

Give Honey a hug for me! She sounds like she’s such a sweetheart.

Checking in with all you lovelies to update: I've been getting out of the house several days a week lately! Weds. I went to 2 consignment shops with DD and we spent 3 hours out, with me needing to sit down twice! Then on Thurs and Fri Chuck and I went to 3 estate sales each day where I was able to climb the stairs at 3 homes! I bring only my cane and the worst part is traversing the outside steps and the garage which is uneven ground. But other than that, I can get around on my own w/o help ...Chuck goes his way and I go mine. Huge difference from the start of this chaos, thank God.

Yesterday and today I'm doing Just crashing on my chair with Honey on my lap. My body is sore and I'm tired, but happy-tired and sore. I'm able to do laundry and help clean up the dinner dishes too.

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? We're going to my stepsons house next Saturday to celebrate, and both my kids are coming too, with wife and grandson, but DDs fiance is working. I'm looking forward to a nice day. Hope you are too!


I agree with you and I would do the same. Some people purchase pieces that isn’t necessarily their taste. They buy only pieces that they feel will increase in value. I wouldn’t want to own something that I didn’t love. I suppose it is okay if you are only interested in the resale value.

Maintaining property is expensive! Purchasing land doesn’t require any work and can be extremely profitable.

My brother who previously lived in New York after graduating college and then moved to D.C. is an investment banker. He has done very well with his investments in property.

You either make a lot of money or you risk losing money. My brother bought properties in New York that have since skyrocketed in value. Also certain areas that he bought in D.C. as well has gone up significantly.

He’s single, never married, makes a good living and can afford to invest. It’s harder for people to invest when they have a family to support.

Buy what you LIKE. That's my motto. Not what's trending. In fact, avoid what's trending 🤣

As far as real estate goes, buy the LOT not the house. You can always change a house, but you can never change a lot. That advice will guarantee you make $$$$$ in real estate. Everybody wants a nice lot with a view or a water feature to look at, or open space instead of other homes.


What do you feel is the best way to follow what is trending?

It’s interesting how certain things become very popular for collectors and other once popular items fall by the wayside.

So true about the color of an item too. Certain colors of particular items can pull in a significantly higher price.

Would you ever want to own your own boutique or antique shop? I think it would be fun but also more expensive than selling online. The overhead of leasing or buying a building is expensive.

I have always found real estate investments fascinating. You will either make tons of money or potentially lose money. The real estate market goes up and down too.

Neighborhoods change. It can be hard to predict how things will work out in the long run.

Good for you, Lea! That’s a fantastic profit!!!

What a satisfying experience to know that you made a good investment.

It’s really fun since you weren’t sure of the value and then you found out how rare those pieces were!

People have absolutely no idea what they are selling. If they knew the value they wouldn’t let it go for a small price.

Never buy anything (besides gold and silver) that's "supposed to" go up in value bc they're items made AS collectibles and produced by the millions. Mainly items made in small quantities may increase in value, or items rare in color or in some other way. I once bought a lot of Heisy glass which is common as dirt, 27 pieces for $30. I thought the color was rare but I wasn't sure of the name of it. I took a chance and bought it, researched it when I got home. The color is called Alexandrite....something between purple and pink. And it is VERY rare. I sold those pieces for just under $1,000. Even the chipped wine glasses! 😂😁

The problem with doll collecting, you will never get what you paid for. I have some Ashton Drakes that were suppose to go up in value, they cost $80 when my Mom bought them for me as gifts. They are not worth that now. I have a few dolls. Trying to downsize. Ones I bought I gave to a Church auction and they got at least what I paid for them. I have given a great-niece a few. I still have a number of them. One I paid $300 for. Those Longaberger baskets that were suppose to go up in price, didn't. You can get them so cheap now. I collected David Winter houses that are not worth now what I paid for them. And I got mine cheap from England. Why, because there are so many of these baskets and houses. Rare makes things worth more.

Carnival glass...Mom had a few pieces because they were given as prizes at our local Amusement park.


Did you buy any carnival glass? It’s so pretty. My mother had a few pieces.

Ugh - tried to post, but the accessibility menu somehow got turned on. Meant to say the local farmer was selling carnival glass among things at his produce stand.

Yes I do online auctions too, but prices are generally much higher at auctions than estate sales due to a much wider audience. Every now and then I pick up a 2 Mark Roberts 12" musician figures (Christmas) for $21. They sell for $288 for a set of 3.

Back in the 90s, I could get great bargains on ebay auctions so I collected snuff boxes. Those days are gone now.


What about auctions? Do you do those too?

I love hearing about all of your bargains.

My girls had American Dolls and Madame Alexander dolls. The beanie babies were very popular too. They had some of those as well.

I think there was a Shirley Temple doll a long time ago. I had Betsy Wetsy. I loved my doll that when I pulled the string she would either talk or giggle.

My youngest daughter thinks certain dolls are creepy. They do make horror movies about dolls.

Yes, American Girl dolls and accessories fetch a pretty penny indeed. And some rare Madame Alexander dolls like Cissy and "portrait" dolls fetch a fortune. So it depends if you have a rare doll, just like Beanie Babies ......a rare Princess Diana BB with an abnormality and a smoosh in her face recently sold for $599,000.00 on eBay!!!!!!

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