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GG, before I got sick, I sold on eBay and Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist too once in awhile. Bug things on FB and CL, smalls on eBay, lots of jewelry.

What do you do with the things you find at estate sales? I've been watching a lady on FB (who lives in my part of PA) that goes to Goodwills and thrift shops, buys things and then resells online. She's fun to watch. Do you sell the treasures you find at estate sales?

So glad to know you were actually able to do something you love doing finally.

Whooooo-hooo, Lea!!!! It's time to go out and spend some money!!! :) So happy that you had a great time at the estate sales!!!! Next on to a bake shop and get something y u m m y!

Just reading about your Three Estate Sales! 🎉

Welling up with some Happy Tears! 😭

Amazing news! 💃💃

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this blessing for our friend! 🩷

You’re welcome, Lea.

Lisa, sending up a prayer for you for a successful procedure tomorrow and a quick recovery. I only ever find dimes when I need reassurance or help of some kind, btw. They are always significant and bring me comfort.

Thank you all for your kind words. And NHWM, what you said to me brings me to ugly tears. Thank you, my friend 😍

I was at my grandson’s cover band gig last night. I looked down and saw a shiny dime on the floor. I thought of you right away and I’m having a procedure tomorrow, nothing earth shattering, but picked up the dime and put it in my pocket.

Glad you had a good time at the Estate sales .

Incredibly gratifying news. Onwards. Wishing you joy in regaining your former self. Happy for Chuck too.

I am feeling so happy to hear that news! Engaging back into things we missed can be massive 💝

Lea: That is fantastic news!

Happy for you Lea 💃✨


Allow me to tell you once again how astonished I am with how you have handled this difficult cancer journey. Not to mention the other things that have been going on in your life besides cancer.

First of all, you’re allowed to feel however you do but I have seen you repeatedly reach out to others on this forum during their time of need. Unless you mention your history with cancer or Chuck’s medical history, one would never know what you are dealing with.

You’re caring and compassionate despite what you are dealing with. It’s apparent that you treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Plus, you know fully well what it’s like to be mistreated and refuse to continue a negative cycle. I admire you so very much for that. Not everyone has that much class. Sadly, they prefer to pass along their misery to anyone who comes near them.

I think that I can speak for all of us on this forum. We love you, Lea! When you rejoice with happy news we are all smiling along with you.

Chuck and your family are blessed to have you as a wife, mother and grandmother!

I hope that if I am ever in your shoes I could follow your example. I’m afraid that I would completely fall apart.

I’m SO HAPPY for you.


Yay! Just 😃 Yay, Yay, Yay!!!

Okay, I might as well throw in a Hell, Yes!!! 👏

What great news, Lea! I found a dime this morning and thought "Lea's dad!"

Well all I can say to that Lealonnie is THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Your good news has made my day!

Yesterday was the day you've been waiting for Riverdale........brace yourself: WE WENT TO 3 ESTATE SALES!!! Me with my cane only, and Chuck holding my arm as needed. I even went downstairs at one home!!! We saw our old friends who run the sales and they were SO excited to see me after a 10 month absence, it made me cry. We also found a few great items for incredible prices. I can't tell you how AMAZING it felt to get out of this house and socialize again.

I feel good today and my back isn't hurting as badly as usual, either. If I can go to sales, I can go to restaurants too. My exile is over, praise God!

Naturally, I'm now wondering if the IVIG is actually HELPING me after a few ugly days? Arrrrgh. 😁🤣😂😗😃

Anyway, GOOD NEWS to finally report! 😁

Lea: Hope and pray that you can go to the estate sale. Hugs.💜

I hope you get to that sale. So sorry about more dizziness. Not much more to say. I am always hoping to hear better news from you.


I am so sorry that November started off so crappy for you.

I certainly don’t blame you for not wanting to continue being miserable.

Maybe these symptoms will pass before the estate sale. I surely hope that they do.

Sending love and support your way.

Unfortunately, the IVIG has caused SUCH dizziness the past few days that I'm having to hang onto countertops and banisters just to walk! I'm seriously FED UP with all this crap and my own attempts to fix this toxic reaction which apparently will NOT be fixed. Period. I'm done with IVIGs for good now, since there is no doubt in my mind they WORSEN my symptoms dramatically. I have a phone appointment with Dr C on Tuesday and plan to tell him to please cancel the rest of damn infusions that are scheduled.

I thought October was a "bad month" until I was shown what "bad" really feels like! 😑 I guess I forgot.

There is an estate sale Friday and Saturday on my street. We'd very much like to try going since I haven't been out to a sale since early January. I sincerely hope these symptoms ease up some so I can go with Chuck. I would really enjoy that.

Lea: Yes! You did it! Such great news.

Fantastic! Glad that you were able to walk out by yourself.

Yay for making it through another round of IVIG. Hope it does what it is supposed to do for you and side effects are minimal this time.

Well now that is WOO HOO for sure Lealonnie!!!

The good news is that I was able to walk out of the building myself, just holding onto Chucks arm! 😁 My head was swimming, but I DID IT! HA!

Oh, girl, I wish we could all come keep you company! 🙂

Sitting here in the cancer center getting my IVIG which Dr C has cut down from 3 bags to 1 due to me being super dizzy for 10 days after the last one. I guess we're all just stabbing in the dark here, as usual 😏

Watching the 6" of snow we had over the weekend melt in the mile high bright sunshine as I recline.

Hey Lea! Good Monday morning! A 1/4 mile walk is something!! Good on you!!! Hope the treatment gives you some dizziness relief and perks you up.


Sending love, hugs and prayers your way.

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