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Lealonnie, I'm praying that the IVIG infusion you get tomorrow will bring only positive results your way, and that your annoying dizziness will subside soon.
You continue to be in my prayers daily.

So glad to hear you were able to walk as far as you did. That’s wonderful news.

Wowwww! 1/4 mile! That’s so great! 🎉🎉

May all go well with your infusion, tomorrow. 😀

It is great that you were able to walk yesterday. It must have felt good to look back and realize that there has been progress.

Hi GG. I've stopped updating a lot because nothing much has changed. I'm still dizzy, still not going out, same old same old. It was 8 months on the 23rd.

I scheduled another IVIG infusion for myself on Monday. I took October off bc I didn't feel like the infusions were doing anything beneficial for me. But I've had a bad month, dizziness wise, so I'll have another IVIG. That's it for plans next week.

Yesterday I had to have blood drawn at a different office than I usually go to. The lab was way in the back of the large building. I went in in a wheelchair, as usual, but decided to try walking out myself, just holding onto Chucks arm. I did it........all the way out to the car! The walk was probably 1/4 mile and I was ok afterward!

I remember not that long ago I tried holding on to Chuck's hands to try walking in the house w/o my walker and could not do it. So I'm definitely getting better 😁

Thanks for asking.

Hello, Lea. I had to go on a hunt to find this thread. Seems things have been very quiet here, not sure if that is a good thing or not. How are you today? And what does your coming week look like?

Prayers, just prayers.

Lea, may God grant you peace and freedom from anxiety and stress.

This past year has been very stressful for me as well for a number of reasons. I too have been struggling to stay above the stress and anxiety. You are right! Anxiety makes everything so much harder. In fact I find myself at times having anxiety about getting anxiety. It's a vicious circle.

I read on another forum where someone said to not anticipate stress and learn to accept it cause by so doing you make it not so scary and it starts to go away. I've been trying that and it kind of works.

Still praying...............(for you)

Need said it so well.

And, I am glad to hear that the dizziness has backed off a bit!

May God lead and guide you with the new situation you’re dealing with.


You got that right! Life is a roller coaster of emotions, especially in times of uncertainty.

I’m so sorry that you have had to endure so much. You started this post back in February. It’s been a horrendous journey. I’m glad that you have a good support system. You are loved.

There have been some joyful and meaningful moments along the way too. I sense that you don’t take many things for granted these days.

For what it’s worth, I have seen your strength throughout this entire process.

Many others have crumbled when they have been faced with difficult challenges in their lives. Some like you, are able to face just about anything that life has thrown their way.

You have stood your ground and thoroughly researched everything while being proactive throughout this ordeal. I don’t know that I could have handled a situation like yours as well as you have.

Nothing can prepare us for going through something like this. It’s funny how we always think of these things happening to others. We tend to avoid thinking that it will happen to us.

I imagine that it would take me quite awhile just to wrap my head around it in order to accept it, let alone make sense of it and move forward.

You are plugging along and doing the best that you can. I admire so much about your way of thinking and I hope that if I found myself in your shoes one day that I would be inspired by your spirit.

Take care, Lea.

Thank you GrayGrammie and NHWM. I'm pluggin along. The severe dizziness has let up as my stress has abated a bit. The stress will be an ongoing thing to deal with, unfortunately, so a rollercoaster for my symptoms methinks. I'm not trying to be mysterious, just not ready to talk about what's happening right now. Trying hard to let go and let God handle things I have no control over.

Checking in to let you know you are on my mind today.

Thinking of you, Lea. 💗

Peace and quite are tough commodities to attain. I wish for you all the best and that the dizziness diminishes.

Thanks RD. I'm sick of looking for strength and just want some peace and quiet, and to heal w/o dealing with any issues from anyone. Amen

Just hoping for a day that feels better for you and you find the strength you need.

Geaton, I've noticed that stress DEFINITELY ramps up my symptoms. Since nobody really understands the vestibular system, chalk it off to ONE MORE thing medical science doesn't understand 🙄

LL, sitting here with my coffee, reading about you getting overwhelming and shocking news and I'm sorry for this development... remember that God is not overwhelmed or shocked at anything so keep leaning hard into Him through it all.

Also, even though I know you don't have BPPV, stress definitely ramps mine up and for the life of me I can't figure out the connection since it's supposedly an equilibrium thing.

May you receive "calm seas" in your body and peace in your heart. xoxo ((hugs))

I am so sorry, cancer makes everything harder. Prayers for you Lea.

Lea: I am sorry about the overwhelming news. Take care of yourself. Hugs.💞

Lea, Sending hugs and continued prayers. I hope the dizziness subsides soon.

Sending hugs about that news. I’m sorry for an additional complication on your plate.

Has your daughter picked her colors yet? It’s fun to hear the wedding news! 👰🏻‍♀️


I hope that you start to feel better soon. It is so unsettling to hear shocking or disturbing news. Very few people can shake it off easily. Give yourself a bit of time to sort through your thoughts.

Sending hugs and love your way.

Lea, I'm sorry for whatever hard to process news--you don't need any more "junk" on your plate!


The dizziness is still very bad, since last Sunday. I can't figure out if it's because I didn't have the IVIG or because I am trying to process some overwhelming and shocking news I received last Sunday. Its probably the latter. Dr C won't be able to help me since there's no empirical evidence on rare reactions like mine 🙄 I guess I'll wait another week to see if my body calms down.

Haven't been out of the house all week. DD came by and said she's chosen her wedding party but yet to choose her venue. Her fiance bought a new car, a 2019 Subaru something-or-other so Chuck did get his car back. In one piece. Thank God. 😂🤣

Lea: May the dizziness please ease up for you - this I pray.💙

Hey, girl. I'm just catching up on your thread. I was away visiting upstate NY to see a bit of Fall. It had been too many years without seeing a different season than Florida Green.

I'm glad that you were able to take a walk outside with Chuck the other day.

May The Dizzies CALM DOWN already! I hate that for you!

Ty GG. I'm super dizzy since Sunday, so now I'm wondering if the IVIG did help me in some way. Sigh.

I hope you have a better day today, Lea. Sure has been quiet here lately!

Oh that just plain old sucks. Hope the dizzy clears up a bit so that you can shop (Trader Joe's is just the beginning....then it's on to shopping for the really fun stuff). Hugs!

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