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Hi Lea - my vote is The black and silver jacket w/the long dress that you already have...because you said it is YOU!!
If you feel it's "YOU", then you'll feel happier wearing it and the jacket sounds very glamorous!!

Thanks for the update. I'm glad some things are moving in the right direction but, gosh, how frustrating about your eyes and the treatment that you need for them.

On to better things - a wedding update please!

Cx, the wedding is Nov 4th. Yes, I'll be making the bouquet, for sure! The bride is doing great. Getting very excited, I now have 2 gowns.....the one I linked and a periwinkle gown with a long jacket and silver beading at the neckline and sleeves I bought on Poshmark. I'm not sure about either, so now I'm wondering if I should wear a black and silver glittery jacket and long dress I already have? Ugh. I've become very indecisive lately. The black and silver is ME. The other dresses are not really me, and the more I look at them the more I hate them! I'm hiding them somewhere I can't see them daily and that's that. I'll decide at a later date 🤣😂😆😉

When’s the wedding, and are you still able to make the bouquet 💐?

How’s the bride? 👰🏻‍♀️

What did you decide to wear? 👗

Glad to read you are still trucking along Lea.

Lea,happy for the positives you are experiencing and hoping any negative issues find solutions or at the very least don't worsen. Hope you are experiencing spring in your area or if not that it will arrive soon.

Hey GG. Things are going. I did get another clean PET scan earlier this month, thank God. Dr C said the longer I go w/o cancer, the likelier it is I'll stay cancer free. Something showed up on my breast, but not a tumor.....mammogram on May 1st is scheduled.

My eyes are worse, I now have glaucoma and worsening cataracts from the steroid eye drops. I saw a rheumatologist who agrees with the Opthamologist that this Uveitis is permanent. I have to go on an oral immunosuppressive drug now to try and control the eye inflammation. I'm waiting for results of a genetic test to determine which med to go on. I'm nervous because ANY AND ALL meds affect my central nervous system and worsen my dizziness which is still going on. I'm on 2 different glaucoma eye drops now and can't see more than 3' in front of me. Everything is very very blurry. I see the optometrist again for GLASSES soon....I can't live without seeing. But fortunately my near vision has improved. Go figure.

The immunosuppressive drugs raise the risk of the cancer coming back, too.

I'm walking a lot more with my cane, so my stamina has improved. I don't lie down in the late afternoons much anymore, and I'm able to cook more and clean up too.

Thanks for always asking GG.

Hey Lea, how are things going?


I think your story is typical, don’t you? The more storage people have the more likely they are going to fill it up!

I wonder how many people forget what they have in storage.

For some people it’s still not enough storage space and they rent storage. That’s crazy to me to rent additional storage. Just get rid of the excess stuff!

I was listening to a program about organization. The person said, “Stop saving things for your kids! They don’t need it or want it due to having more modern tastes in items. For the most part, think that’s true.

Enjoy living near the beach! I would absolutely settle for less square footage to live near the beach!

Oh to have some storage. In NY we had an attic,basement,garage and workroom. They were all packed. It was brutal getting that house ready for sale and closing. Here in SC we have none of that because we are near the beach. We are elevated so there is space but nothing significant can be stored there due to the elements of climate. I don't want to live as we did but I wish we could store something somewhere besides upstairs. We also don't have great closets. Everytime my husband can't find something such as a garden tool he is sure it has been stolen. I tell him there is not a great resale market for items he can't find but not to leave them downstairs. Anyway this is the price we pay for living near the beach and I have no right to complain. I am a collector at heart but I limit the categories and I am pretty much at the point where there is no room to display anything anymore. I could take items to a resale shop but I love my finds. I am at least very discriminating in what I buy which is freeing. Our house has grown in value since we bought it in 2016 and our 3 children love to come here from Texas,Utah and California with their families. I have always been drawn to the beach even though I never go to it as I want to protect my skin and walking is not the best exercise for certain health problems I have. The air here is soothing. Anyway enough from me. I thought I would just join the attic conversation. Because both my husband and I are only children alot got somewhat dumped on us. Fortunately back in NY they had bulk garbage pickup every week. It was always amusing to see what was gone before the pickups.

A few years ago we did an entire cleanout of our attic. Exhausting job!


I wouldn’t miss having an attic because I never go up there.

Nhwm, I've been living in this house for 21 years, since it was built.... and just asked Chuck if we even HAVE an attic? Apparently we do.


Do you have treasures stored in your attic? I have never been in my attic! LOL 😝

I have seasonal decorations and stuff from my children in mine. We don’t have basements here.

Attics, basements and garages can become cluttered.

My neighbor has been asking her husband to clean out the garage for decades! He has stuff in there from when his parents died several years back. Plus, all of his woodworking stuff. He builds beautiful bird houses.

I think most people use their garage for additional storage rather than cars.

Yes, the Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag. She isn't always an easy read but she's always a GOOD one. This is ostensibly the story of Lord Nelson and his lover, Lady Emma Hamilton. But Emma's husband is the collector of all things to do with volcanos. I kept this one in the library long and long and long thinking to reread it, but am finally giving some up now. I will never give up her Illness As Metaphor, but can finally let loose (kicking and SCREAMING) of The Volcano Lover.

Alva, I think I have a set of amber beads myself. I'll try the pin test to see if I smell pine....I've not heard of that! I found The Volcano Lover on Amazon, is that the book?

GG, shame about the missing Roseville. Many folks just do not realize the value of things, especially things they've had sitting around the house for decades! I once bought a Roseville piece myself at a yard sale for $1, but it has a chip on it. It sits on top of my secretary in my study. For a buck I couldn't resist 😊 Lol to "do you have anymore ugly vases?" 🤣😂

My mom loved her yardsale Saturdays. One day she found a Roseville vase for $5.00. The seller referred to it as an ugly vase that her mother liked. Mom said, "Do you have any more ugly vases?" Mom walked away that day with another Roseville and two Weller pottery pieces. She gave them to me because she knew I always liked her Roseville vase. Oddly enough, now that I am going through my parents' house since they have both passed, I cannot find that vase. I know it was a wedding gift in 1954, and I know she went through a stage of getting rid of things, so I am guessing it was among the things she tossed (yes, threw away in the trash).

Lea, while visiting my mom I went to a nearby Estate Sale. This was in Missouri many years ago.
I at the times made wind chimes out of wire, beach glass and beads. Had a whole fishing box full of beads. At the Estate Sale I found a long long strand of amber colored beads. All different sizes and shapes and quite lovely. Took it home and showed my mom the lovely "plastic beads" I found for next to nothing and she said "You just bought yourself the largest amber necklace I have ever seen. Sure enough we did the little burn test and smelled pine. I sold them at a collective my brother and I at that time sold pottery in. Can't remember what I got but it was very GOOD price.

That's the fun of the hunt.
In her book The Volcano Hunter, Susan Sontag gives one of the best descriptions of what "the hunt" is for us hunters, what the FIND is, what we feel in our bodies when we SEE THE PIECE. How we go about staying calm.

JoAnn, this is why treasure hunters hunt for treasure. Because many folks do not get things appraised and because not all estate sale companies know the value of everything, it's impossible. Although Faberge should be a clue. In 20+ years of junking, this is the first time I've come across a signed and boxed Faberge item.

I once bought a pair of 18k gold Italian gemstone earrings from an APPRAISER for $5 which were valued at $985. Garage sales are notorious for selling treasures for trash prices. I ask no questions, just pay the asking price. Ever watch Antiques Roadshow? 😊

I'm actually waiting to see if we got tickets to the event coming to Littleton in May. Tickets are given out randomly.

Great your back to estate sales. You would think though that family would have some things appraised. $10 vs $500 is a big difference.

Great your back to estate sales. You would think though that family would have some things appraised. $10 vs $500 is a big difference.

Those items sound lovely, Lea. You’re a great treasure hunter!

Have you followed any of the treasure hunting from sunken ships?

I have watched programs and read articles about the divers that go after those treasures from shipwrecks.

It’s fascinating to see what they find. It’s a lot of work for the diving teams but it’s also a passion for them.

Ty Hope and welcome back, and ty Funky. Today I found a genuine Faberge cross on a stand, in the blue velvet original box.....for $10. I just about passed out. I Google Lens'ed it and the exact one sold recently for $500. At the same sale, I bought an Italian marble and gold iron plant stand for $40.....which is selling for $395 And $425 online! This one is like new and marked Italy on the bottom of the 2 marble slabs. I may have to sell it because it just doesn't fit into my decor. But it's breathtakingly I'll have to see. 😊

Hi Lea!
I'm just returning to this forum since being off since November due to dealing with a care giving urgency ...I'm still a bit drained and just trying to settle back in my own life. Now catching up on this site and I love reading your latest words...very inspiring! Yes, you are tough - and I think living in the MOMENT is great advice for all of us!

Happy to hear about your latest findings at the estate sales...I hope you continue to find great treasures!!

Your attitude is admirable Lealonnie, with all you've been through. You're an inspiration to us all!
May God continue to bless and heal you.

Thank you Katie. Love the pennies from heaven, don't you? 😊

Golden, the good news is I can see better up close! I'm back to estate sales and found a pair of 14k gold earrings for $3. Large round discs. Ka-ching.

Thanks for always being here Colleen.

Geaton, I'm grateful for LIFE, even in a compromised state. It's not like I'm paralyzed, which could've been the case. I'm tough. Just screw all this crap. I'll push thru it and live in the MOMENT, which is all any of us have anyway. The NOW. For now, all is well.

My dad sends me pennies.

I will be praying for you.

Oh, Lea. (((((Hugs))))) Eye issues are miserable. Prayers for mercy and healing of your eyes, clarity of vision, and away with the dizziness already!!!

So glad Chuck is doing so well. The less said about your ex the better.

We've got to get you back to doing estate sales! 🎇✨🌟

Oh, wow. How did I miss this? Gaaah!

Praying for you, and for EVERYTHING to just calm down!

Sending hugs to you!

Praying along with you, Lea. I certainly hope that you will be able to treat all of this successfully.

It’s quite tiresome to frequently visit doctors when dealing with issues.

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