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Thinking of you & sending healthy vibes.

Lea: Prayers for your PET scan tomorrow. Hope, also, that your hip pain eases up.

Praying all goes well with your scan! 😘

Lea Prayers for good results with the PET scan and for your hip to lighten up already! (((((hugs)))))


Hoping all goes well for your pet scan. Sending hugs your way today and always.

Thanks Geaton. Chucks belly was gone in short order, but mine still lingers 🙄

Thanks GG. No sales this past weekend as my hip is giving me great pain and spasms the past several days. Tomorrow is my PET scan at 12 noon so we'll see if there's something going on in there, or it's just time for that hip to be replaced also (which isn't happening).

Ugh rotavirus (or maybe it was norovirus) absolutely sucks. All 3 of my boys had it when they were young. One of them lost several lbs in 3 days! My middle son just recently got over it (yet no one else around him got it, not even his partner). I jokingly suggested to hurry up and get that colonoscopy now that he had "prepped" for it.

Glad you two got past it. Time to fill yourselves back up!

Even though this thread has gotten a bit quiet, I'm still checking in on you, Lea. I hope that you had a wonderful weekend and did some estate sales.

Thanks cxmoody and hi Golden! So nice to see you! Happy New Year. Like I said at the beginning, no effing beauty mark is takin this gal down 🤣😂😃. Because that's just TOO STOOPIT for words. Even if new tumors show up on the scan, ablation is a possibility or surgery of some kind to remove them. I'm ready to keep fighting.

Happy New Year, lea and all. Sorry to hear about the rotavirus but happy that you had a good Christmas and that you are able to do more despite all the symptoms. It's wonderful that you can push through.

Ongoing prayers and especially for a good PET scan. You are a Survivor with a capital "S". Keep on keepin' on. May the road ahead be paved with sparkles!!!

Happy New Year! Sooo glad that almost a year from your original post, you’re still here, sharing and helping others and being your compassionate self.

So grateful to God for you—you were one of those who helped save my sanity in the early days!

Happy 2024 to you and Chuck!

Happy New Year GG and everyone. Yep, I made it! 😁 Jan 9th is my next PET scan.

Chuck and I are getting over a very nasty rotavirus someone brought into the house on Christmas Day that hit us very hard (gi tract symptoms). Several were affected.

It's been in the 50s and 60s temperature wise here the past week so it's spring like weather. We'll try to hit a few sales later in the week if all is well. My dizziness isn't too bad lately, but it's up and down which makes it tough to plan things. Generally I just push thru no matter how I'm feeling though.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and has a healthy new year.

Happy New Year, Lea. You made it to 2024! I know it seemed at times like you might not get here, but you did. You are a determined lady and you have a wedding to plan now. I hope there is much fun in all the details.

Hooray for your lovely, Christmas, Lea! Here's to a wonderful New Year!

Lea, thank you for telling us about your Christmas day. It sounds wonderful! What a blessing that you were able to be active in your Christmas prep.

Sooo happy to read that you were able to not just enjoy your family, but prepared and cooked for them!


Lea: Your Christmas was beautiful music to my ears! 💗

Sounds like you had a really nice Christmas Lea!


So happy to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas 🎄!

Oh, Lea, the very best thing I could ever wish to see this year, and present enough to outdo all the others under our tree, this news of your happy Christmas and of your feeling well enough to enjoy it.

Your wise words always WERE wonderful for us, but your courage in all you've gone through is a light and a hope to many more than you can ever know. Best to all your family.

We had a lovely Christmas yesterday and a house full of people. Chuck gave me a bunch of gifts including some oddity I have no idea what it is. And a hat rack so huge I have no idea where it can possibly go! I think it was a store wall display he won at an auction......super neat piece which looked a lot smaller in the photo than it turned out to be in person 😂 My son gave us a huge amethyst crystal on a stand and DD full sets of dvds to my favorite old shows that we watched together when she was a kid: Keeping Up Appearances, The Honeymooners and others.

My grandson (2.5) loved his tricycle and my other grandson (7) was buried in toys.

The chicken turned out great and everyone ate too much. The mini ice cream cones and bars were the hit of the I was able to prepare the food and function all day, so I'm glad about that.

How was everyone's day?

Thanks, Lea

I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family.

So, you have seen quite a few changes in your area. Yep, with growth, comes awful traffic! It is interesting how areas grow and change.

Well, my daughter is looking forward to the cooler weather with less humidity. Louisiana is a swamp! Our weather is crazy. Cold one day, warm the next.

My daughter says that she has been in the Cherry Creek neighborhood and that it is a very pretty area.

Her boyfriend showed her pictures of his mom’s house and said that it’s beautiful.

His mom and dad grew up on the east coast. She moved to Cherry Creek after their divorce. The dad moved to Rhode Island and remarried.

The scenery in Colorado is amazing. My daughter really misses living there.

We have her dog for a couple of weeks while she’s gone. Our oldest daughter is dealing with kidney stones but hopefully she will be well enough to join us for Christmas dinner.

My husband gets kidney stones too. I haven’t ever had one.

NHWM, Idk about may snow tonight but that's it for the 10 day forecast. We've had 60 degree weather the past 10 days!

Cherry Creek is the high dollar area of Denver. Gorgeous homes and mansions, etc.

The lights in Littleton are at Hudson Gardens and they are gorgeous. DD had their cardiology office Christmas party there in the event center and the doctors all paid for the staff to walk around and see the lights afterward; she loved it.

I first visited Colo when I was a child and loved it. Then moved here in 1977 w my parents. There was nothing much here back then, downtown was pretty shabby w a few department stores, bars, restaurants and a run down hotel. Nowadays it's a pedestrian mall closed to traffic with a ton of upscale shopping, restaurants and hip things to do, lofts and fabulous hotels, etc. It's not a one horse town anymore. But on the reverse side of that growth is that the traffic stinks, the cost of living is awful, you cannot go up into the mountains anymore bc so is everybody and their brother in law, the cost of skiing is prohibitive, etc. But the scenery is spectacular and so is the weather, for the most part. So yes, I do love it here for the most part.

I hope your DD has a wonderful time on her trip!


My husband and youngest daughter just left to drive to the airport. He’s dropping her off to catch a plane to Denver for Christmas.

She is excited to see snow again! I still can’t believe how much my southern daughter who grew up in New Orleans loves the cold weather.

She misses living in Colorado and is planning to return one day.

She is smitten with her new boyfriend that she met when she visited Denver several months back. They met at her friend’s birthday party.

He has invited her to spend Christmas with his family. His mom lives in Cherry Creek. He has lived in Colorado since he was around 10 years old.

They were planning to see a Christmas display at the botanical gardens in Denver, but they are sold out so her boyfriend is taking her to see another Christmas lights display in Littleton.

Did you fall in love with Colorado as much as she has when you first moved there?

We honeymooned in Colorado many years ago. We flew into Denver and made side trips to Vail and Estes Park, Colorado Springs, etc. So pretty! We have gone back a few times.

Our daughter moved there right after graduating college and lived there for a few years. It is a very beautiful state with lots of things to do. She really wants to go snowboarding. She loves all of the beautiful areas to go hiking and skiing.

It’s just so good that you’re here posting with Christmas coming up! Thank you, God for this blessing!

GG, do let us know about your prediction. Hugs!

Thank you GG. My eye drops are prescription steroid drops. The recalls are over the counter lubricant eye drops from a manufacturing plant in India w unsanitary conditions.

Lea, I was just reading about more eye drop recalls. Please be sure whatever you are using isn't on the list.

Lea, glad you are starting to feel better after the IVIG. It sounds like you are going to have a great Christmas. And to think all those months ago before you started the immunotherapy you didn't even know if you would live to see another Christmas! I would be calling the Opthamologist office daily to get an appointment. It's crazy the months and months a person has to wait to see a specialist because they are so backed up and in demand.


Oh yes! My mother and grandmother had pearls.

Do you remember those hoop slips that we used to wear as children? Very poofy dresses! 😆

We had fancy hats and gloves for church and holidays.

Yeah but did she wear PEARLS while cooking, Nhwm??? 😂🤣😄😃

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