
Capt has helped me with his humor on my worst days. He speaks his mind. If you don't like him...don't READ him. But taking him from those of us that NEED him is uncalled for. He was the reason I signed up here. and I will miss him.

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Huh? What do you mean? Captain's gone? How'd you find out? Bummer!!
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Oh, I hope he is not gone. I , too, enjoy Cap'n. I miss Jeannegibbs too!!! What the heck is going on?!?!?!?!? Come back people!!!!!
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im not a complete history lesson yet but i aint too fond of contributing when someone waters down my message. ive been a member of daily strength for years and this particular forum lets you speak uninhibited. were all adults here, we dont need berated like school kids. my gosh, if a few irreverent cursewords bring stressed carers a moment of laughter i have to ask whats the harm?
ps, hurray lizzardshit f **k !! lol
Helpful Answer (8)

Yay! I didn't take you for the kind of guy that would let cranky old biddies get to you. Someone (You, me, and the biddies) needs to get laid!
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Uh I going to be reported???? (shaking in my bootie slippers.)
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its why we dont sleep well boni. we need the everloving stuffin effed out of us to release the endorphines that bring good sleep. i could say this with different words but it would take 400 of them to produce the same message.. screw AC with a lite bulb..
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IMO (as cap'n would say... ) the hurtful comments made to jeannegibbs were far worse than any cuss words dear cap'n ever posted. Stinging remarks and leaps to judgement have no place on a forum like this. I've been astounded at times by how quick some posters are to write comments without first taking the time to read enough of a thread to make a reasonably informed and intelligent response.
Jeannegibbs is the best, and I'm sure she'll be back. Her wisdom and insight are really needed here. I miss her too Mishka.
As for dear, funny, crass yet kind-hearted cap'n I really HOPE he's not gone for good!! He kept me grounded. He made me laugh, I mean really LAUGH, and if he's really gone I'm going to miss him more than words can say.
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HA!!!! Don't I feel silly now....took too long to submit my post! So glad you're still here cap'n! And still funny....and crass.
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Yes capt, I could sure use a GOOD nights sleep. Glad to see you, please stay, there is not enough testosterone on this sight. Men think more and women feel more. That's what keeps us grounded, like Ya ya said. I too Hope jeannegibbs comes back too.What was said to her was deleted, before I got to see it. We can't let a few cranky-butts affect us. We have enough problems. Love you guys!
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if anyone attacked jeanne that person should be reprimanded. jeanne is the most giving and loving person ive ever known. her personal loss never held her back from comforting people for one minute. this aint the 1950,s ac , let us destress in our own way. the old englishman who trained me in masonry was a colorful individual. if hes aware of the political correctness were being subjected to right now hes probably spinning in his casket with an erection, making a hollow bonking sound with each revolution.
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Oh Yaya and BoniChak I just love you gals!! And I am so glad to see you on here Cap'n!! Sometimes, late at night, when the house is all quiet and my mind starts to wander to all the things that I worry about and I come on the forum and see Cap'n posting off the wall stuff with expletives throughout I, well, I just don't feel quite so lonely-or so effed up! Hahahaha! no, really, it does help. Maybe AC should have an after hours posting for the insomniac crazies that cuss a lot and then they can delete it come morning. ;0)
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I hear ya Mishka, and love you back! (I'm still planning to checkout that live video feed on the beach one of these crazy nights....can't get it on my iPad tho, and if I try going on the main computer after dark my bird gets mad...Bummer!) An after hours chat room would be just the thing!!
Cap'n- you have yet again enhanced my evening with another stunning visual. ROTFFLMAO!!!!!
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put a warning on my posts, whatever. ive educated the copulation out of myself in order to give my mother the best quality of life possible. i think her renal cancer has spread to her lungs and bones and if i can make her laugh even briefly, shame on the church f ***s who have a problem with that. im trying to get my mother some more effective pain meds if i have to whup the entire multiply indighted southern care organization. im the trusted man, i dont take much crap.. mom puts me first cause ive got BALLS. she knows ill do battle.. she made a good choice, my sisters are idiots..cappy will make a scene..
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well you cant win em all. im going to watch an alice cooper concert with the GIRL orienthal ( sp ) playing lead axe.the girl aint no joke damnt, shes wicked on the lead guitar..
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Capn - I thoroughly enjoy all your posts. I don't get involved in your discussions, just wanted you to know that you have another (silent) admirer :)
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thank you equillot, life isnt worth living without some irreverent humor imo. my opinion and 1.45 will but you a cup of cheap vietnameses coffee. lol..
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Cap'n, hope you didn't misunderstand me....? The bit about the old Englishman spinning in his casket made my night...."stunning visual" was just the cap'n "fix" I was looking for. Laughed out loud, literally!
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You do sometimes annoy me can be a pita, you are NOT perfect, and only good looking in my head. (we don't want all this gushing going to his head ladies.) ;)
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Sounds like some big brouhaha went down, we can't lose the Capn and Jeanne! Capn you add the spice to AC!
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Wow, Cap' must really rock to have a thread started in your I must say.....I am one of your "silent" followers.....n I find your humor extremely helpful, being a full time caregiver for both have this unique way of bringing the "shock" value out of the English language......I've never laughed so hard at the constant use of the 4 letter words of the alphabet, as I do when reading your posts....I have learned to truly appreciate the bounty of uses for the word...f***!!!! What an epiphany....thanks, cap''re awesome...
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I guess I'm old. I swore like a drunkin sailor during my college years. The F word was was part of every sentence. I'm just prefacing into my post.

Too bad Cap'n, you weren't a student in my dad's autobody class circa 1970. S*** was Chevy and the F-word was Ford. He was no prude, believe me, but he was a good man that had a respect for language. It just 'brings you up" intellectually to find a 'better word." I'm far from perfect, very far...

Street creds, my dad attended the first ever Sturgis rally. Yes, I'm old. I can point you to his writings if you're interested.

Okay hail hitting the windows, I'm out of here.
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Well, I'm fairly new here, took me a minute to even figure out how this place runs before I attempted participating. But I was thrown off, right from the start, when I did begin, in finding that there are actually comment police around here. Folks analyzing what someone else says and them trying to correct them. Folks jabbing at one another. Really??? But I haven't left yet, really don't want to, because taking care of my mother 24/7 is something which my siblings/relatives don't have a clue about (well, some of them, most of them?) ... and I began to feel selfish about the emotions I was going through... until I came here. I use humor every day, to cope with things. My mother sometimes gets the humor, most of the time she doesn't... the best humor is the spontaneous things which happen, accidentally, that roll us both over... on those days, I grab it and run with it. Bring it on! I'm up for laughing!
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I’ve been seeing more and more people accusing Jeanne of things that are not true. The problem is that it’s not a one time thing. Jeanne is very forthright person. She says it like she sees it. She does not “baby talk” her advice or comments. And so people read her comments and get all upset over it. When I first posted my question, I will admit that I did NOT like Jeanne’s comments… at all. But I did NOT attack her like others have been doing. I got mad because she didn’t get it, our culture, etc…. But, her words just keep going around and around my head. Sigh..In the end, I agreed she was telling the truth. I Did choose to be here as my mom’s caregiver. I chose to be here whether willingly or not. Etc… And that’s the problem. The New Posters come here on this site and they expect to be treated gently. They just don’t expect the truth to be presented without any frills or flowery words. And so they attack Jeanne. I do know from experience that if you support her, she really does appreciate your HUG.

Capn, I may not like your language but I never hit that "Report This Post". You sound just like my nieces/nephews. I see a bad word coming up, I just skip over it and continue the rest. Unfortunately, I do a lot of skipping on your comments. =) BUT, I have seen you give some great advices and I have clicked several times on “helpful answer” or “Liked” when I do.
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I'm a silent follower also. I can't count how many times I've LMAO at the cap'n and his humor. Salty language doesn't offend me. I'd much rather read his words than read some of the holier than thou, judgmental, bullies who dish out huge amounts of "I'm right and you're wrong" BS. When I see the cap'n has commented, I go to his response ASAP. Then there are the ones who love to start fights and bully. I will take the cap'n any day over them.
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The greats cannot be silenced for long. Their words go down in history.
Indelible, unforgettable, timeless. Heehee:))) GO Capnhardass! WhooHoo!
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I just read this thread and want to chime in as the voice of reason. AC is a business that provides this support group as a courtesy. This group is public and is searchable on Google. AC has the right to moderate in whatever way they choose, because it is their public image. They have a right to protect that image, because this is their livelihood. If we are a member of the forum, we need to have respect for the AC staff that makes the forum possible.
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the pain and frustration on AC is so overwhelming one can only read for a few minutes then you have to take a break. AC staff isnt doing anyone any favors, they are selling our personal information for profit, and likely being supplemented by the fed for the collection of such data. the internet is changing the english language and imo opinion for the better. personally id rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints..
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Anyone who doesn't like it on AC is not being forced to stay. But if we stay, we do need to have respect for AC, other members, and ourselves.
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I agree with JessieBelle. I do not worry about them censoring their site. They are pretty good, actually, about what we write, IMO. I was on the Stephen King forum -Stephen King for goodness sakes!!- and the moderator there would not let you cuss at all! And you could get kicked off for it. Also she was in love with Pres. Obama which is just fine but she would censor any posts that would speak , even politely, against him. (they had an off topics thread). I finally left when she shut down my thread about how upset I was about Pres. Obama poking fun at the Special Olympics-- (think years ago). I am not trying to start a political thing here --nor there -I just was voicing my sadness as a Mom to a child with special needs and she shut my thread down!!(though kept up the many, many threads against Bush). Sooo- I think this site is actually pretty fair. IMO IMO IMO ;o)

Saying that I do want to reiterate that I enjoy Capnhardass's posts very much (for the most part ;o) I totally agree with him that we need to have more fun on here. More pictures, more links. For many of us this is our social life-- the virtual world has become our one link to the "outside". I have no friends in the real world. I used to. But they all went away. Or I shut them out.. IDK. All I know is when I feel lonely and crappy sometimes the threads that are humorous and raunchy are the very ones that make me feel better. Sometimes I don't have the energy to help someone with their problems ( though I usually do like to give advice ;) -just not when really stressed) and I just want/need to laugh.

As for jeannegibbs- I think she is a wonderful helper here. When I was freaking out about my Mom's meds--at like midnight-- she got back to me and really helped me think it through. I have noticed that she would try and answer many of the posts that did not get a lot of traffic and she has a pretty funny sense of humor. It pops up when I least expect it and only makes me laugh all the harder. I miss her and hope she is OK. I know she has been through a lot. She has been in my thoughts and prayers. Actually, guys, you all have been.
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Well said Mishka!! I've been trying to come up with a response for the last hour and just couldn't find the words (I think I'm a little OCD myself when it comes to that....sometimes I obsess so long over what to say and how to say it that by the time I hit "submit" my post isn't even relevant any more! ;)). I especially like the middle paragraph - the whole reason I sought out this site in the first place was because I have no one else (other than my husband who's just a burnt out as I am) to talk to. I do have a couple of friends left but they each live hundreds of miles away and although I communicate with them via email now and then I'm reluctant to "unload" on them because I'm afraid it will drive them away. One has never done this before so can't relate. The other spent several years caring for her mom with cancer and finally lost her a little over a year ago...Last thing I want to do to her is vent about my problems and dredge up all the pain and stress she went through.
I've seen some editing here that I thought was a bit over the top, but for the most part I think it's reasonable. As Jessiebelle pointed out the posts here are more public than some may realize, and although I might not always agree with the way AC sometimes edits stuff I respect whatever obligation they must feel to do so.
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