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Megace worked wonders for our father.
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Keep those Ensure milkshakes handy........A sip at a time until gone.
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With my father I have noticed that he will eat with someone, but is not interested in eating alone. I think eating with someone makes it into more of a normal social occasion, and not part of a medical mandate, if you will. If you make a meal for both of you to eat together, this might start the ball rolling. Maybe you have already tried this, but if not, it's worth a shot.
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Just went through this with my mom. I kept asking the docs/nurses to help her with something to get her to eat. She was 78lbs! After she was back in the hospital for dehydration (duh) for a couple of days they were ready to discharge her. Really ready with the paperwork. Asked the nurse if she had been given an appetite stimulant and she still hadn't. I sat down on the chair and said we weren't going until she got one or I had real good reason why she couldn't have one. They believed me. She finally got one the same day. She got periactin (sp might be off) but I've heard nothing but good things about megace. Takes a few days to really kick in so I gave her anything she wanted. For her it was ice cream. She won't drink Boost or Ensure. Although she didn't know it was the base of her milkshake! Until she was "hungry" I didn't care what she ate. When she did start to want food I was much better with a balanced diet. It's so hard but try things she used to like. And ask about an appetite stimulant ASAP. Sending you a big hug! It's a very hard situation and I hope she cooperates a bit for both of your sakes!
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Hi---I just read your question as well as the fact your Mom has dementia...If I am understanding this correctly. I had this problem as well with my Mom when she was in assisted liviing---the docor who was taking care of her medical needs--suggested something called megace-this is an appetite enhancer-and it worked. In the meantime-until you are able to speak with her doctor about this, I would suggest something like ensure or boost. As already suggested, comfort type food is a great idea....and also try to make sure you Mom keeps hydrated.

Good luck to you - on this caregiving journey, and get back to us, if possible, with an update.

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Like shelleyanne recommended, find comfort foods or old favorites. I know renal diets usually restrict proteins sharply. If mom is diebetic too, use Splenda as a sweetener to bake or cook with. Also, even what she wants sounds odd to you, remember their tastebuds act differently with age and medications. Good luck!
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I agree with Shelley, and I'm sending you another hug from Sleepless New York as difficult times are ahead of you. Anyway, go to this link for more tips on how to care for your mom:

Your culinary skills will be tested, but I'm sure your mom will be looking forward to the next meal. To make things easier for you and save time, prepare a weekly menu ahead of time and/or ask her nutritionist for assistance. They'll be glad to help. Good luck my friend.

-- ED
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You know it is hard to figure this out. My dogs made a lot more sense than my mom. They got sick, they quit eating they died. That being said what works around here at mommy madhouse is mashed potatoes, comfort foood, cranberry juice, and just anything with fiber and vitamines. How you jump start your kidneys is beyond me. But I am sending you major hug from the great state of Arizona.
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