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Of course the relationship will change
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It is very painful.  I have no idea who that woman is that is masquerading as my mother, but I wish I had my mom back like she was.  Unfortunately, the clock only goes forward.
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I'm starting to feel like that, and I just put my mom in a nursing home, looking back at old photos, family tapes, memories of the person my mom was, she's 80, technically my aunt, but to me, will always be mom. When she took me in, she was in her 60's. I was just a baby, so of course back then, over the years as I grew up, she was able to be there for me, support me, encourage me, and love me. It slowly faded during high school, then after high school, her getting on pills, it just got worse. I didn't understand it till now, but it wasn't my fault . She still loves me. But she no longer can support me emotionally like she used to . I'm 27, so a lot of stuff Ive gone through I haven't talked to mom about . Because I knew she couldn't handle it anymore. Now when I do talk to her, I just listen to what she says, and try to keep what I say, short and sweet . I'm still recovering from the emotional and mental abuse I went through from her, from her addiction on pills.... Now that she's in a nursing home, she's calmer, happier, gets along with everyone, has people that can answer her when she needs help, when she wants something, has other people to talk too. Nursing homes, and assisted living are built around the patients. My mom started to act out like, how you describe yours , self centered . No longer being able to empathize or sympathize with me. Is fine when it's a conversation that she's interested in, but if it's something I'm struggling with, it goes out the window . Elderly people, are basically children . I know it's rude of me to say it that way, but it's the simplest way I can put it . The mom I had... that supported me emotionally ... alot of it is gone... It hurts. Because I wish I could talk to mom about things I think and feel... but I can't . It's something you have to learn to live with and adapt to.
Helpful Answer (6)
anonymous828521 Aug 2019
So true, Mikuhat...& sorry for your loss. Thanks 4 sharing that.
I hate to say it but as people get older their personalities and traits change. They become ornery, nasty, abusive, manipulative and demanding. They start getting dementia and physical problems. I draw the line with those people when that happens. I simply cannot and will not allow people to act that way around me no matter what. I may still love them (or what they were) but I can't tolerate this behavior. Some people can but some of us can't. If nothing puts a stop to it, then I realize there is only one choice - remove them to a safe place so I can have peace and dignity. I deserve that. I was a caretaker four times - parents, husband, and a dear friend but they all behaved decently and did not present major problems - so I took care of them to the end,
Helpful Answer (3)
anonymous828521 Aug 2019
Agree, with Riley.
It's too costly to be abused. (especially since many caregivers are older in age themselves!).
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