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I am in the process of doing this now for my mom who is 94, and lives with me and finally gave the go-ahead with selling her home 2-3 hrs away. I set up packers, movers that would have come next week but almost fainted when they told me the price, approx 5k !! I said yes at the time, having already set up a local storage place to bring it and then we go through things a little at a time.

I had gone over for a long weekend to get it done and moved, but delayed it after realizing how much stuff to pack and then move. Later that day and the next day after sticker shock of moves these days, I started going through things myself and brought a huge load back this weekend and will go next weekend for 4-5 days to finish up boxing up what I'll bring ... less than I planned because Mom did not remember a bunch of things this trip :) and arrange for loading help on a truck rental for the few pieces of big furniture items that we will incorporate into my house (while she is living).

Luckily a realtor friend of the family who we will list it with will meet with people to spruce it up a little to sell it (fixing a door, interior painting, and whatever decision is made on floors.... of course mom does not remember any carpet smell from past dogs :( , realtor says replace with inexpensive carpet, which I agree).

I have to say that it is ever so much better FOR ME to be able to do it while mom is still living..... so glad she has finally agreed after 2 years of it being vacant .... because if she had already passed, I am sure, I'd only take a few items and "estate sale" the rest of it.

Oh yeah, and all of this going on while my "tripod" dog (leg amputation almost 2 months ago) is not doing well.... her other back leg is hurt, so she can't stand at all and now for the last day and a half has not urinated..... if it was the other little dog we have, she'd go in the house in a minute, but this special sweet dog would NEVER go in the house, so back to the vet again tomorrow after going to the ER vet tonight. If they have to catheterize her, she will have to be sedated, and then there is still the problem of the hurt "good" back leg .... if it does not heal soon, I think her time will be sooner than later. She's not big but is heavy and my back hurts, and no one else available to take her outside and esp. because she won't go unless she can stand on her own. A sling/harness is not working for her with only her 2 front legs functioning (and problems with one of them in the past).

I wish you so much luck, fiorini, and check back in with all of us and let us know how it is going.
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Whatever you do please take the time to go through drawers, pockets on clothing, old purses, etc. even the freezer before selling or donating them. Older folks tend to hide valuables and documents.

Look under furniture too, that's where I found the lockbox with the wills, deeds, etc. The mattress is a cliche place to hide stuff but don’t overlook that either!

We found over $300 in cash squirreled away at Mom's house, and a dozen unused gift cards. Go through letters, cards, and envelopes to check for money or checks. We found her checkbook wrapped in a shirt in the back of a drawer, and credit cards in various handbags. She even filled film canisters with quarters, I took about $150 in coins to the bank.

Make sure any documents that have personal information are removed or destroyed. Mom had canceled checks dating back to the 1950's. Remove old prescriptions, some CVS stores have bins where you can drop them for disposal.
Helpful Answer (4)
Myownlife Jul 2019
Yep, my folks had canceled checks in the attic also dating back to the 50's. And ever so much more ..... :(

I promised my daughter this weekend (she was over to help) that I promise I will never ever do this to my children.
After you have gone through everything yourself, look into estate liquidators for assistance. One that was recommended to me from someone else on this site is called “Everything But The House” ( We will probably be using them, or one like them, soon. Mom will be 97 soon, and is in a memory care center.
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Myownlife Jul 2019
Doing the same thing... had the estate person come over yesterday to view and explain how it works. It will be such a big help, but scheduling is filled till next month.
It costs money for help I am a cna for the last 10 years I am sole caregivier for my father yet hes in good shape, I have taken care, hired help to clean and sell or give away things it can be done its over whelming. it will cost a lot more to higher a estate person I have some advice glad to help
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