
Specifically residents rights involving care and also regarding relatives feeding their family members.

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Go to the CMMS website and search for “Nursing Home Conditions for Coverage” you will find a “Federal Register” that clearly explains the regulations and guidelines that each NH providing care must follow. Ask mgmt at the NH what their provider # is (usually 6 numbers) and then search for that provider using their provider number on a site called “Nursing Home Compare” where you can compare their statistics and quality scores to their counterparts nationally .
Keep in mind there is probably old data on the site from maybe 2-3 yrs ago (it’s the Government so it takes forever to get data).
These 2 sites should give you an in-depth look at Nursing Home regs, clearly spelled out. 
And remember, all data depend on the individuals putting the data in, and it’s not always accurate.
Medicaid conditions of coverage often mirror the Federal regs, but some states & the District of Columbia can &  often do add additional guidelines that they find they require. For instance. Washington DC has its own standards above and beyond Medicare & Medicaid’s minimal requirements. 
You will see staff patient ratios. Licensed staff patient ratios, nutritional requirements all the was to housekeeping and medical director qualifications. 

Good luck to you. The regs can be written rather ambiguously which gives the NH leverage for interpreting the guidelines differently, so it’s tricky.
But you will find current Nursing Home regulations @ CMMS ( Centers for Medicare & Medicaid). If you can’t find the link PM me & I will find it for you.
I was a manager in a dialysis ctr for many years and we had to follow these guidelines to stay in business and be able to receive Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement.
Good luck !
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I would contact Medicaid if the loved one is a recipient. I would contact estates and trusts attorney that offers a free consultation. They would definitely be aware.
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