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Thanks for the update!
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Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

Mom called me today and told me about how thorough the new place is. She said she likes it so much better. I know her well enough that she won’t say she “loves” it because she would rather be at home, but she said this is the best place for her in her condition. She even said the food service is like being in a hotel…lol. All of the docs and therapists came today to see her, and she was so impressed with the thorough nature of everything. I told her she needs to count her blessings because lots of people strive to be in a NH like this one.

Thank you, all, for listening to my rambling. I am just so happy that it seems to be a good fit for BOTH of us and not just me.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to spccon
NeedHelpWithMom May 28, 2024
I am thrilled to read this news!

It’s uplifting and encouraging for others to see that there is hope.

Please continue to update us on your mom’s progress. It’s delightful to read about situations that work out for the best.

This was the best decision for you and your mom.

You placed a smile 😊 on my face with your post!
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I am so glad.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

Hi, all!

Had our first care conference today. It went well. Mom is getting therapy 3-4x a week, which is great.

One thing I am a little worried about is since this is a different county, they had to alert Medicaid, as I expected. The admin at the NH said she was still “Medicaid pending” and I was wondering if there could be something wrong? I’m trying to think how one county could get it approved and another county would have issues or if nothing’s wrong and it just takes a while.
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Reply to spccon
Isthisrealyreal Jun 5, 2024
spc, Medicaid is state, could it be that she had an advantage plan for insurance? Because those are county specific in many cases.

Just a thought.
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In my State of NJ each county runs their own Medicaid program. So if I liked a LTC facility in another county, I would need to go to that county to apply for medicaid not the county Mom lived in.

I think in that case, its only a matter of Moms paperwork changing hands. She will not lose her Medicaid.
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Reply to JoAnn29
spccon Jun 11, 2024
Thanks! That’s what ended up happening. She was approved in the new county on Friday. It just took a while, as per anything with the state.
Hi, everyone.

Long time, no real updates - which is good, I guess.

This new facility has been pretty good for Mom. In the last month or so, however, I’ve noticed a hefty decline in her awareness/mental acuity. In my visit last week, she was asking me how certain family members (who have been dead for several years) were doing. I’d tell her that they are no longer alive, and she would say, “I don’t know why I keep forgetting things.” She also has been moving so slowly in her bed and isn’t able to even shift her body or adjust in the bed.

Today, when I walked into her room, she just stared at me. I asked her if she knew who I was, and she just lightly nodded. I wasn’t fully convinced she even knew me. I sat there for about an hour, and she was just silent—almost mute. I asked her some questions, and she just stared at me. It was really eerie. It’s like someone had taken over my mother’s body. I brought her some food but ended up taking it home with me because she was so out of it, and I was worried she wouldn’t even realize it was there and would spoil.

It was so bad. I have a care meeting this week, and I’m going to bring it up with them. I wonder if she’s getting dementia at just 61 years old. I also wonder if it’s severe depression, and she just doesn’t care.

Is there anything specific I should ask, any tests? What I saw today really disturbed me. I don’t think it’s anything they’re doing wrong, but she’s just acting so out of character.
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Reply to spccon
Rumbletown Sep 14, 2024
could check thyroid.
Update: NH called me Sunday night to let me know they were sending Mom to hospital due to altered mental state (that I noticed on Saturday). Hospital found a UTI that turned into sepsis, and she actually has encephalopathy that was triggered by the sepsis. That explains the altered mental state. The head CT found cortical atrophy, which is really concerning.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to spccon
Llamalover47 Sep 16, 2024
spccon: I am sorry to read this update.
your mom is 61? I’m 60. If I had to deal with having more and more amputations, I would choose hospice. Has this been explored?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to PeggySue2020

I’m so sorry you’re facing all this with your mom. I have no answers, just wish you both peace
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

I think the hospital will give her IV antibiotics for the UTI.
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Reply to brandee

So, she doesn’t quite have sepsis, but she has what’s called bacteremia, an infection of the blood. They found staph to be the culprit.

They did a TEE today to check her heart because these infections often attack the heart, and they found she has early endocarditis.

Hopefully the antibiotics work quickly, but I’m honestly worried about how much she comes back from this. She’s still practically unresponsive. I’m going up to see her after work.
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Reply to spccon
AlvaDeer 7 hours ago
Sorry to hear this update from you spccon.
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Spccon, my mom pulled through from "near sepsis" from a UTI at 93.

Stay hopeful and (((hugs))) from me.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

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