Depression in Seniors

  • Combatting the Epidemic of Loneliness in Seniors

    Isolation and loss are two side effects of aging that can negatively impact one’s physical and mental health. Discover how to help lonely seniors reengage with their surroundings and pursue meaningful social connections.

  • What to Expect After a Heart Attack

    Your loved one suffered a heart attack. Thankfully, he or she survived. But that leaves the question: What now? What can you expect after a heart attack? What symptoms are normal and what are not?

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  • Dangers of Hoarding Behavior Become More Severe With Age

    Elderly hoarding is something that most family caregivers do not anticipate having to deal with. This behavior often increases with age and creates a hazardous living environment for older adults. Take these 5 steps to help a senior who hoards.

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  • What to Expect After a Hip Replacement

    You've found a surgeon you trust, scheduled the procedure, and figured out which senior rehabilitation center your loved one will be staying in, but are you prepared for what comes after the surgery?

  • How to Convince a Senior to Wear Adult Diapers

    Can’t get Mom to wear adult diapers? Addressing incontinence issues requires patience, understanding and a commitment to upholding a senior’s dignity. A caregiving expert shares her best tips for handling this delicate topic.

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

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  • A Common Caregiver Confession: “I Secretly Wish My Ill Loved One Would Die”

    Watching an aging loved one decline is never easy, especially when they have a low quality of life. Caregivers experiencing burn out may wish for an end, not out of cruelty, but because they realize there is little they can do to help.

  • How to Communicate with a Senior Who Can No Longer Speak

    It is frightening to watch an aging loved one lose their ability to talk, respond or communicate in any manner, but the powers of touch and hearing can help family caregivers continue to connect with seniors who have aphasia.

  • What to Do When a Senior Refuses to Bathe and Change Their Clothes

    When it comes to caring for the elderly, hygiene issues are surprisingly common. Determining why their personal hygiene habits have changed is the best way to devise a successful strategy for getting a senior to bathe and wear clean clothes.

  • Shingles: A Painful Skin Condition

    Advanced age and a compromised immune system can make seniors more susceptible to shingles, a disease that affects the nerves and causes a painful, blistering skin rash.

  • Mourning the Death of a Spouse

    The death of a spouse is one of the single most traumatic losses anyone can experience no matter the age. As the grieving process progresses, there comes a time when a senior needs to plan for the future. Explore the grieving process and some tips for moving forward.

  • The Connection Between Aging, Insomnia and Memory Loss

    Insomnia is a bothersome condition often associated with fragmented sleep and fatigue. But when chronic sleep deprivation is left unchecked, it can take a serious toll on a senior’s physical and mental health.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: When Snoring Becomes a Serious Health Concern

    Snoring is annoying, but it can also indicate a dangerous underlying problem: obstructive sleep apnea. More common among older adults, sleep apnea is associated with serious health risks like chronic fatigue, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

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  • The Healing Power of Pets for Seniors

    Owning a pet can bring elders a tremendous amount of joy and a renewed sense of purpose. No matter the type of animal, pets can have a beneficial impact on both an older adult’s mental and physical health.

  • Why Rejection Hurts More When You’re Depressed

    Ever wonder why you just can't "get over it" when a sibling criticizes your caregiving? Dealing with depression makes it harder to handle ridicule and rejection

  • Does Depression Increase Alzheimer's Risk?

    People sometimes ask me if depression makes a person more susceptible to Alzheimer's. The question is important and there is certainly an association between the two.

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  • A Sense of Purpose Can Keep Depression at Bay

    What do you do when your loved one is suffering from depression? It's essential for us caregivers to know how to stave off depression in ourselves and those we care for.

  • 4 Tips for Managing Depression in a Loved One with Dementia

    Managing depression in a loved one with dementia can be a challenge. Here are 4 tips for helping an elder with dementia work through their depression.

  • The Link Between Dementia and Depression

    Depression and the early stages of dementia share many symptoms, making it hard to distinguish the two. Can a diagnosis of cognitive impairment cause a senior to become depressed, or can depression cause dementia?

  • Stop, Drop and Roll: How Caregivers Can Extinguish Negative Thoughts

    The longer you spend caring for someone, the more likely you are to experience negative emotions like resentment and caregiver guilt. Use this simple technique to help you prioritize positivity, self-care and flexibility on stressful days.

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