
My former MIL went into a care facility late 2019. She had a nice little townhouse in a complex with 9 other units.

It was put up for sale earlier this year.

I just found out my next door neighbours son and DIL bought it. They are expecting their first child later this year.

My former MIL would be thrilled to know a baby will be living in her house.

There are so many posts here about elders refusing to leave their homes, I thought a happy post about how an elder's home is being enjoyed by a new young family would be good.

My former MIL was more than ready to go into a facility. She needs more care than can be safely offered at home. Her home had stairs with upstairs bedrooms and main bathroom. She was not safe on the stairs. I had set up grocery delivery and Rx delivery while still married into the family, but she needs personal care, medication management, food prep, help feeding etc.

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It's so nice to read a happy post. When I saw that I thought "Wow, NONE of us will click on that one". We are so used to the problems and trying to solve them. Hearing your story reminds me of my brother's. He so loved his small home, and was so broken hearted to hear he had a diagnosis of a benign brain tumor on the medulla, ruining his balance, and a probable early Lewy's. He knew, without support directly living near him, that he had to move to Assisted Living. He managed to sell his small home in a neighborhood he had long walked, always wanted to live in. He was so proud to be able to do this with a dedicated realtor. So unhappy to have to give it up. He had only a bit over a year to live, we could not have known; but felt so happy to know his small place was bought by someone good and kind, and all neighbors were pleased. He was not so pleased as your MIL to be in an Assisted Living. It was a lot of socialization for a man who was used to living almost the quiet life of a Monk, but he told me "It's a bit like when I joined the army just out of high school. I didn't like it, but I made the best of it". I so admire our elders who are able to move on when the time comes, and "make the best of it". Thanks for your happy post which brought back some happy memories for me. So needed in this our time.

Dear Tothill,
Thank you for sharing such a nice outcome for your ex-MIL's previous home which will make a nice "first" home for a new family!

Hi Tothill,
What a lovely post. It is wonderful the young family bought your MIL's townhouse.
Hope they will have many years of enjoyment. It is nice to read something positive for a change.

How nice to hear a happy story!

Several of my more practical rellies were resigned to moving & saw the sense in downsizing or transision into assisted living. They were all able to let their home go & wish it well. My Grandma in particular - she was also thrilled that a young couple planning a family bought her house. She loved the thought a new family would arrive & bring new life. I love where I live & will be sad to move on one day but your story reminds how important embracing change & resilience is. Reluctance to change & clinging to things past their time is a trap.

That really is good news. Best wishes with the baby. Thanks for sharing. I love good news!

So glad it all worked out for the good. Thanks.

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