
I stepped out for a little while and when i returned I found the person from adult services leaving my house. She had entered my house while I was out and woke up my 91 year old mom, and had questioned her, because my brother who lives 600 miles way had filed a complaint. Adult services had my phone number, and I am sure they were intentionally coming by without calling, however they went in the house without any permission. Can they just walk in without notifying anyone as if they own the place.

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Short answer - yes. Do you think it was OK for mom to be left on her own? If they found no cause for concern, brother and you will get a letter in the mail stating the complaint was "unfounded."
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Since you were gone and your mother was sleeping, how did this woman get into the house? I have the impression that your mother was sleeping and didn't let the woman in. Did she have police with her and did they enter with a search warrant? I don't understand how she could have gotten in???
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I would like to know how she got in too. In my case starting over a year ago, my husband was in and out of the hospitals with his violent episodes. The day after he came home, the three wiseman would show up. The social worker, the case worker, then the big one, adult protective services. Well they didnt do their homework. the last time they came out after his last hospital stay, his paranoia level was HIGH. He told the first two to get out, and stay away from the house and me. When the APS, showed up, she was shocked but kept her cool. He kept calling her ugly names and telling her to get out but she sat down saw me crying and told me she was there for the wrong person. Some have a heart. She was wonderful and help me out with important resources.
But as far as i know they have no right to enter the house. Be careful. I also know there are bulies in that field too
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Where did the request for investigation originate? It sounds as if you did. The reason would have been that you have concerns about the safety of the person living there whether it is financial or medical. So, yes, they can enter, I imagine the door was unlocked, which I do not think is wise with an elder sleeping in the house alone. APS was there to check on her safety. Anybody could have come in and the resulting story could be tragic.
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If they broke into your home to enter, I'd say they are guilty of breaking and entering -- UNLESS they had reason to believe someone in the house was in danger. Did you call the police? If you didn't, it really makes no difference.

I doubt they DID break into the home because, if they had reason to believe someone was in danger, I think they would have called the police to assist the. I think they simply walked in.

If the door was open/unlocked, I doubt they've broken any laws unless you had a no trespassing sign in place.
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Adult Protection social worker in multiple states througout u.s.a.,can't just simply enter the premises if they have no judicial authorization type of warrant and or imminent danger i.e., life AND death situation going on,with proof insofar as the "anonymous caller having real proof."Case law wholly support per state lawsuit won against a caller, who did just that. APS IN NC false allegation, ran with it,without no "real"proof. Parent lent child money for a lawyer and for basic house needs, security apartment as the child also was helping the parent so much over the years.The jealous sister and brother's spouse etc., all began calling and saying "maybe"mom at risk, smh. .The entire thing was tossed out, no criminal charge at all. It was later marked as unfounded, and the worker at NC Edgecombe APS was saying on VIDEO "I think your parent is just fine."I don't see nothing at all wrong with her. Not at all confused.and admit, parent was just helping the child until back on the child feet after a horrible divorce and custody case.. I know that the APS in Edgecombe County,NC even said, "If the APS worker walk into the house without legal authorization.permission that is a lawsuit against agency,the worker,and if a cop help the social worker get in the house,where again there was no imminent danger to a perfectly capable healthy senior enjoying her life. I want to say also video tape it all. This way, if a false charge against you ever come up, you're quick to get your justice in many ways, with suit and to be cleared.You can't just walk into a home, as 4th amendment is clear and as supreme court said,"The land,our home, is to be always protected from outsiders,intruders,attempting to violate as an American, our Constitutional/Civil rights."When you're knowing the law, you're to protect yourself better. Good luck and remember, "APS can't just walk into your home."You're also having a right to say, "i am calling the lawyer, to handle this,and or the parent has the right to deny entrance,unless they have real proof."Nine out of ten times statistics show,APS don't have any evidence."
But again if you let them in, TAPE IT ALL. AUDIO,OR VIDEO.or both,as a caseworker will alter reports,falsify reports,as case law support,and or lie on you fast. So remember that. Seniors don't need to be violated by a aps worker,and if she is really only doing her job,you're able to tell by how she is sounding/acting. so listen for everything,and remember to also have handy when warranted, dr. name, to validate, parent is just fine and the dr.,agree and is easily reachable, but you have a right to deny entrance, this is AMERICA.
God bless us and our families from gov't infringement on one's rights and home.and family.Life is just way too short for such violation by CPS breaking up happy loving HEALTHY homes, and or by APS...Know your rights.Never too late to learn.
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