
As I have said in other things I have a grandpa who hasn't taken a shower in 2 years and has a catheter that comes out all the time and urine goes everywhere. He never lets us clean it up and my 2 year old son lives here too. Now my grandpa is very mean to everyone else except my son...he wants my son to sit on the couch with him, drink out of his cups, basically just wants him around a lot. I love that he loves my son and I don't want to be rude but I have to grab my son and hold him on the other side of the room because I am scared he could get sick from my grandpa's unhygienic ways. Am I just being paranoid?

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Wow, tough situation. Ok will throw in my 2 cents as the visiting doctor (learning what kinds of questions caregivers post online).

Pee everywhere and not showering is a bit yucky. That said, in principle pee is sterile and hygiene issues usually are due to poop contaminating when people don't wash their hands after doing their business.

If grandpa has a chronic catheter, however, then his bladder might be colonized with bacteria. How much risk that is for your son -- assuming he has a healthy immune system -- I really don't know. But my understanding is that in the developing world, for instance, most of the worry is due to fecal matter contaminating food and water.

Good luck working something out...maybe there's a way to get the catheter looked at so it stops coming out all the time?
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Could you use his love of his grandson as a way to get him to shower and change his clothes? I'm surprised that his grandson hasn't told him he stinks, since kids can be so direct. Tell him he needs to set a good example for the boy, since he's around him and he sees what he does. :)

I'd also be more concerned about poop than pee.
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Hi,I am a home care person,and see a lot of this,and yes it hard to handle.what I do with my home care patience. Is I run a tub for them,or prepare a shower,I come out of the bathroom and let them know if they want to be around other people or family they must clean.I tell them if I can smell you others can two.and I say thank you for taking care of child loves you and so do we but we mean no you.I hope this works for you.Good Luck,Many Blessing.
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This is the lack of hygiene visible, likely he isn't careful in wiping himself or thoroughly washing hands following defecation. That means every cup, cabinet knob, refrig handles, door handles, remote, light switch, etc is cross contaminated. Use your own utensils and cups, wash hands often including grandsons and carry wipes when visiting to use when you are in bathroom or kitchen.
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You're not being paranoid. I'd worry too.
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I'd also worry. That sounds like a germ nightmare...and I'm not at all germaphobic.
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You should worry especially if he has an infectious disease. He never lets you clean up the urine? Hope he isn't a MRSA carrier.
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No germs in pee. Probably more germs in a two year old's poopy diaper than anywhere else. If grandpa can stand the smell, it's OK. If grandpa is willing to wipe the baby's hands clean with baby wipes, he'll be inadvertently wiping his own hands in the process. Make sure each has their own cup. Clean all touch surfaces, like the remote, the phone, faucet and toilet handles, doorknobs. Make sure grandpa has Kleenex and wet wipes next to him, too.
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When he does use the restroom and has a bowel movement he doesn't wash his hands even though we ask him repeatedly and lets just say the bowel movement doesn't stay in the toilet and I am stuck cleaning it up. So i would guess if the fecal is all over the toilet and stuff it is still all over him too. With him not showering then I do have a lot to worry about. I thought the pee was my number 1 concern. I guess not! Thanks for all your input everyone!
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Pee is pretty benign but it can smell as I'm sure you already know. I don't think grandpa is a walking petri dish of communicable disease but I'm sure he's filthy and I'd want to stay away from any physical contact with him if it were me, and I'd encourage my child to stay away from him too. It's sad since grandpa loves his grandson but grandpa is old and smelly and gross and I wouldn't want my toddler sitting on his lap or drinking out of the same cup or anything like that. But just being in the same room with grandpa? Your son will be fine. Hospitals are the filthiest places on earth and we all go to them to visit someone or as a patient and we all survive. Contamination is the issue here, can your grandpa contaminate your son because grandpa is filthy? Probably not. But why won't grandpa get in the shower??????
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