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Yeah I am facing my mom not eating so much either....can she drink the drinks like ENSURE?
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Yes she is able to drink ENSURE, and bits of foods like rice krispies, and porridge..... but she is allergic to spices, and is on a no salt diet..... doctors do not have any answers either...
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Will she nibble on hamburger helper or soups. I made my mom some hamburger helper..the cheeseburger one...due to I know she eats mac n cheese with no problem but wanted to add protein. She ate it to my happiness. The psych yesterday said fats was very important for the brain. If my mom liked more tomatoey things I would try sloppy joes, but she does not like tomatoey things too much...somtimes spaghetti.
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Thanks for your input...... she likes soups.... the consomme...
tried with veggies in it, but dislikes it. As for the meat.... I can
only hope that she tries to eat it.... I will try....
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Some high-protein snacks I give those I'm coaching for health as ideas: Cooked Garbanzo beans, room temp, in a bowl to nibble like popcorn, because it is high in protein and fiber. Thinly sliced apple with a little organic almond butter. Raw almonds. Boiled egg. If you "must" resort to Ensure-type drinks, be sure to read the label.
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Please talk to her doctor about any meds she is on for her condition. With a heart condition, it could be some of her meds that are interfering with her 'appetite'.

Could she have suffered a stroke that has affected her brain's appetite center? I know it sounds far fetched, but it can happen.

Also.. please have her checked for a simple UTI! (insist on a culture too). I sound like a broken record, but something as simple as a UTI can affect the elderly immensely. A urinalysis is easy to do, non-invasive. Be sure to have a CULTURE done (which can take a few days) to be sure that you don't get a false negative.

God Bless.
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Where do you buy Garbanzo beans?
Many thanks... Astrid
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It is Cong heart Failure..... all tests have been done....
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I buy garbanzo beans dry, soak them, and cook them like any other bean. I use vegetable broth for flavor, and some Turmeric for the health benefits. They're near other dried beans in your local grocery store. They are also available canned, if you prefer. They're alternatively called Chick Peas. It is what is in must Hummus, and Falafel as well. Both of those foods are delicious and very healthy for someone in your Mom's (or anyone who needs healthy calories) situation.
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I have a few more ideas.
Watch the cooking channel.

If you have a bread machine, make some fresh bread.

Cook some soup in a crock pot, or on the stovetop.

Bake some apples (or apple pie).

Brew flavored coffees.

Use pumpkin spiced air freshners in the house.

Get Mom involved in the cooking process. Even SIMPLE tasks will make her feel like she is 'part of the process' and may improve her appetite. I had my mother 'taste test' most of the food as I was cooking and she ate MORE doing that than her meals.

God bless and good luck.
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I'm going to steal the "taste test" idea!!!! Thank you, MiaMadre. That's great! :-)
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Ruth: you are most welcome! Even just cooking up some onions and peppers (or any other aromatic foods) helped my mother's appetite.

Of course depending on their condition (Mom had Alzheimer's) there may/will (sadly) come a time when nothing really works anymore. When my mother reached that point I knew... well....

Anyway.... I still offer ideas and suggestions hoping to help just one more person. Thank you for making me feel useful.

God Bless.
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Near "the end" the doctor told us not to force food on Mom. Let her have what she wants. Well, that was her favorite cookies, watermelon, cheese curls, Jello made with powdered egg whites/fruit cocktail and Ensure milkshakes with ice cream & whatever fruit she had in mind; sometimes bannanas or strawberries and once in awhile chocolate sauce. Take your mother's lead & please her in her own ways when it comes to eating. It may not sound healthy but hopefully she'll be taking in some calories & be happy.
Good luck
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sometime my mom want to eat vegetarian food. she likes soups.... the consomme..tried with veggies in it, but dislikes it. As for the meat.
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