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Ask your dad's doctor to make a referral to speech therapy for swallowing evaluations. They will be able to determine what his abilities for safe swallowing are and what foods/consistencies he should be consuming. It sounds like he is aspirating solids & fluids into his lungs which puts him a very high risk of choking and pneumonia.
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I think if you give him small portions at a time that should help. Because thats what we do with my mother and if she wants more she'll ask for more.
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Well, my grandmother is closing in on 105, and part of her good health undoubtedly comes from my food selection and preparation.

If you believe that essential minerals are most assimilable from plant foods as opposed to "colloidal" liquids, tablets, or other factory-produced products, then you should try making your own blended or creamed vegetable soups.

Once I saw the "Barefoot Contessa" state that "all good soups begin with carmelized onions". Whether that is true or not, I usually start that way. Then aparagus, or broccolli, spinach, squash, sometimes some carrot, and so on. Also parsley, fresh or dried.

When I look down at what has been simmering in the pot, I can't believe that "we" are going to eat all that. Served as cooked vegs, it would never happen. But once I add some seasoning - even sometimes a touch of chili powder - and a little sour cream, potatoes or potato flakes, powdered boullion, and apply the immersion blender for a few minutes, it is absolutely great.

We used to like those those V-8 soups, but by comparison they are horrible, and we no longer enjoy them.

Here are some supporting reasons for blended soups that I ripped from a raw food site. (raw or not, same basic reasoning)

a) They are pre-digested
b)Good chewing is a discipline most people have yet to acquire.
c) Blended foods often have a high water concentration.
d) Blended foods are an excellent way to incorporate foods we might not normally want to eat.
h)Blended soups are highly adaptable.

Anyhow, d and h means slipping in a few items the person would not normally accept solo, eg: brussel sprouts.

If I had a robot to prepare this for me on command, I would probably have some variation evey other day. As things stand, it is up to me.

Bottom line tho, is that it can't hurt for you to try it out.
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what i did with my mom when she wasnt eating very much,was small
amounts of food at a time-with her, the thought of food made her
feel sick-so i just started putting very small portions on her plate-
now she will ask for more- sometimes-- at least she eats.
also, when she wasnt eating ,there were physical problems going on.
she was blocked,and then impacted-so i could understand not wanting to eat.
also, what about a straw? unless u think he might suck in too fast, and
it could make him cough---well, it was just a thought,.\
keep trying and check with the dr- if u trust your dr.
i hope things go better for him--and you.
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Lillian--From what I have observed-His eating habits may have changed due to his dementia, as they seem to go hand in hand. I had several eating problems with my Mom-and it was evaluated by a speech therapist-as to the type of diet she should be on-This possibly may hold true fot your dad. I would contact your nearest chapter of the Alzheimer's Association-to have them point you in the direction of someone who can evaluate the situation-then take it from there. This matter may be easier to resolve than expected.
Best to you and your family~
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