
We live in NJ.

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I don't think right now is the time......there are 10 care homes here in Colo with outbreaks even though we have far fewer individual cases than you do in NJ. Most ALs are not accepting new move ins right now as it's a dangerous time to bring the virus into the facility with the person or her belongings. In fact, in the AL section of mom's place, all 100 rooms are on lock down, unable to leave their apartment and having meals brought to them.

Hang tight. Fear is prevalent right now and I doubt you'll be able to convince mom that now is the time to move. Plus your hands may be tied in the matter anyway. Sending you a hug and a prayer for patience and good health moving forward
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There’s an outbreak in NJ, 3 nursing home residents died so far. Washington isn’t the only state that has had outbreaks in its LTC facilities.

It may not even be possible for her to go to AL now. Some facilities are not taking any new residents.
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Isthisrealyreal Mar 2020
Doesn't sound like wildfire to me.
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1 nursing home in Washington not all nursing homes. Don't let her watch news, tell her that the facilities are safer than any place else because they reacted to the unfortunate situation in Washington. Tell her that she needs more care then she can get at home.
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Are you asking about her going NOW to AL? Or are you asking how will you EVER convince her to think about moving into an AL in the future, since there have been some cases of COVID-19 in some NHs and ALs?
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This is a frightening time for all of us. I don’t think you will get very far to convince your mom of moving into a facility at this time.

We are in the midst of a crisis. The elderly and anyone with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk. Everyone has been effected with this virus. Does your mom realize what the situation is like in your area? There are shortages of medical supplies to treat people.

If your mom watches the news she is certainly aware of this outbreak. It is only getting worse in some areas.

The deaths are growing in our facilities but healthcare professionals are reporting that the virus is spreading rapidly in my area. It’s terribly sad. The latest report for us is that New Orleans is a hot spot for the virus as the fastest growing area.

Let things settle down before you bring up this topic with her. I seriously doubt if she would even be allowed to move into a facility at this time.

They will not accept anyone new in any of our facilities at this time. Our whole state is on lockdown.

We had over a million people visiting here for Mardi Gras and our medical teams have said it has put us at a terrible risks because the tourists visiting here were from all over the country, plus visitors from Asia and Europe. Please pray for us. It’s hard seeing this happen in my city.
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Arwen31 Mar 2020
I fully agree with you. This is NOT a time to put an elderly in a nursing home, if it can be avoided.
I'm thinking of you and reading the NYT 3 times a day, I'm praying non-stop for you.
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Well. just watched our local news. My word! 3,315 confirmed cases and well over 100 deaths. We are running short on medical supplies.

They just announced more concerns for our nursing homes and independent, assisted living and memory care facilities. We are now experiencing what is referred to as cluster outbreaks in our facilities. So sad. More deaths in our elderly facilities 😔.

Our neighbors in Jefferson parish which is just moments away from Orleans parish is cracking down big time now. No money is to exchange hands on public service transportation, the city buses will not accept any cash whatsoever! Well, makes sense, cash is filthy.

The JP cops are taking the regulations seriously. A woman wouldn’t leave an area after closing. So, the cop approached her to speak to her. She took out a gun and pointed at the policeman. Another officer fired at her. She is in the hospital now, striking her. Geeeez. Crazy stuff. Tensions are running high. I hate it. 😔 Must be scary to be part of law enforcement these days! Why on earth would she point a gun at a cop? Did she have a suicide wish?

They just announced anyone leaving hot zones won’t be allowed to travel freely. Hot zones, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and New Orleans. Some people are not going to allow any of us from hot spots to enter their states. Interesting...

Some people in our prisons are infected and in quarantine. Identities are not being revealed.
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We need to keep our policemen in our prayers these days because there are so many crazies out there. It’s so sad. People were warned here to adhere to our strict ‘stay at home’ regulations in place or they would be approached by officers.

They will shoot if they are threatened by irrational people.
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My moms assisted living in Tucson is in lock down. Nobody in , nobody out except essential medical personnel. If my mom were to leave for any reason, quarantine for 14 days. I’m thinking you won’t be able to move at this time. I’m thankful I finally got my mom moved late summer... it was worse than pulling teeth.. stay safe
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I think this is a very very poor time to move mom into ALF if there is any other conceivable choice. When/if the virus gets into these facilities it spreads like a wildfire, and few survive. Mom should be sheltering in place now with family. And it should be paramount not to bring the virus home to her. Follow the guidelines for distancing if you are at all able. Wishing you luck.
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I am from SWJersey. Thank God this virus has not hit us as hard as N Jersey. In Salem County we have 3 cases. Two home quarantine and one hospitalized. NHs have been shut down since March 10th before the governor shutting down schools and non-essential business.

So where I am, the NHs and ALs are safer than being home.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yes, it all depends on the location and what is going on. No one can make generalizations. Plus, things can change. Everyone has to do their part. We should all work together on this and do our part.

Stay safe, JoAnn. Please thank your daughter for working hard for us as a nurse. My oldest daughter is in the hospital here in New Orleans. Of course, I can’t be with her with all of this going on. It’s so upsetting.

I am trusting the doctors and nurses to keep her safe. She is fighting a UTI. She is always in and out of the hospital with Chron’s disease. They want to get her out of the hospital ASAP because she has diabetes. That complicates things too. I am praying for her that she will not come in contact with the virus.
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