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Bed linens should be changed whenever they are soiled. Otherwise I change bed linens once a week.
There are bed pads that can be ordered on Amazon. Medline is the brand I used. They work well to protect the bed from incontinence.
The correct fit on the disposable underwear such as depends or tabbed diapers used with pads can reduce the need to change the bed if the depends are changed often.
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At least more often since the body is in the bed 24/7.
Even if there are no spills, not much sweating, change those sheets, for dignity's sake.
You can change the pillow cases more often, even daily.

There is a technique where you put an extra sheet over the regular sheet set.
Often called the slide sheet, it can be used as the only fresh sheet to be changed during the week. It is not tucked in at the top and bottom.
The bedridden patient can be rolled over, the sheet rolled up, then roll the patient the opposite way to remove and re-install a new sheet.

If soiled, resourceful caregivers on here have even reported that instead of dealing with a truly soiled sheet, they threw it away.
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I ended up changing sheets daily if needed. It’s exhausting to keep up with all of the work, but if they are soiled I didn’t want my mom to sleep in a nasty mess.

Mom’s home health and hospice nurses kept an eye out for pressure wounds.

If they aren’t soiled then once a twice a week is fine. The smell will be overwhelming if sheets aren’t cleaned regularly.
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I think they should be changed twice a week, unless incontinence is an issue, then as needed but, no longer then 4 days between changes.
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For the average 7 days a week, 8 hrs of sleeping I would say once a week. But for someone constantly in bed, I would say 2x a week if not soiled. Of course if soiled, they should be changed ASAP.

Not sure if they make them anymore but when my girls were babys the had crib paids the had flannel on the outside and rubber in the middle. I placed these on top of the sheet so I didn't have to change them every time there was an accident. I still had one and used it in Moms chair.
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When my late husband was completely bedridden in our living room, and under hospice care, I changed his sheets every Monday and Thursday when the aides were here to bathe him.
Now of course he had several large waterproof pads under him just in case he had an accident, but thankfully my husband had a permanent catheter so only had to be concerned if he pooped after his paid CNA left in the morning(which thankfully he only did a few times in the 22 months he was bedridden.)
So if the sheets aren't soiled, twice a week should be fine, otherwise change as needed.
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Did your husband find the catheter uncomfortable at times?

My daddy would ask me to bargain with his doctor about taking a break from his catheter. I think he got so tired of laying in the hospital bed, rather than being able to walk to the bathroom.

The doctor was sweet and said to me, “Okay dad can have a break today but tomorrow it’s going back in.” That seemed to satisfy my father.

I think daddy felt that his doc would give him an automatic, ‘No!’ So, he sent me into negotiate with him.
I changed my dad's every day. He said it made him feel better.

I'm picky about linens and have my bed changed every other day. When we rented cottages, sheets were changed every Sunday and Wednesday. On Sundays after guests checked out we changed everything, mattress pads, pillows, all sheets and blankets.
Helpful Answer (9)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Your posting reminds me of how my mom always changed our sheets when we were sweating from a fever breaking.

I still remember the comforting feeling of fresh sheets and the soothing taste of the hot tea that she brought to us.
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Good Morning,

I would change the sheets as much as needed. The medical supplies under your health insurance should covering pads to cover the mattress.

Also, I air out the bedroom daily. Keep the air circulated. You can also wash your bed sheets with laundry detergent and vinegar and baking soda. This gets rid of any sour smell. It's works great for athletic socks too.

Studies show the color lavender is calming for the elderly. I bought my mother a Lands End lavender comforter with matching sham. The other sham I put on her nightstand. She loves it.

These little things do matter. I know it's tough to strip the bed but it's quality of life for our loved ones. When I put Mom to bed at night we have our routine--her rosary beads go under her pillow and a feminine handkerchief. She has a smile on her face. There's a lamp left on until she dozes off.

It's makes me feel happy inside so when it's Mom's time to go I will know I did my best!
Helpful Answer (12)
lorrising Jan 2023
Ireland, your sweet and loving attitude was something I needed to hear today. I am often frustrated and irritated with my mother and I try not to show it but a person would have to be deaf and blind to not to realize I am not at my best! Reading what you wrote about your routine for your mother was a great reminder for me that attitude and a servant's heart go a long way!
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When my MIL was with us I changed the sheets each time the hospice bath aide came to give her a shower. She was in bed 24/7 except for showers and toilet and was not incontinent. I just felt she'd be a little more comfortable if the sheets were always fresh after her shower. They never actually seemed soiled to me.
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The bottom sheet is the one that is difficult to change when someone is bedbound. Here's a nurse trick you might appreciate. Make the bed with two fitted sheets each time which allows you to remove the top one and the bottom one is still on the bed. This really does make changing sheets easier when it has to be done frequently. If incontinence is an issue you can put pads between the two fitted sheets to keep the bottom sheet clean and dry.
Helpful Answer (4)

Hello. Keep up the good work 😃 I'm sure that your dad appreciates you. Here is a video that can help.
I'd change twice a week as needed.
Helpful Answer (3)
SueGood Jan 2023
Great video link! I remember starting and this was the mist daunting task until I learned this very simple way. I was able to easily do it all by myself even, with cushioned bedrails up for safety.
The link provided below is fantastic. Here it is again.

To my family, changing sheets was so daunting until we learned this easy method. It takes a bit of planning, if you have several layers. We had a fitted sheet, then the incontinence pad. You do all layers together, when changing. Having an incontinence pad greatly reduced the need for sheet changing. If you don't have alternating air underneath, that will be crucial to avoid bedsores. A Vive aa overlay is awesome and only about $75. God bless!!!
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The video is great but it fails to mention 4 points:

1. While changing the pillow case, put something under the patient’s head temporarily. Patients who have swallowing issues can sometimes choke in their own saliva. Thus, their heads should be elevated at all time.

2. This technique works well with someone in a hospital bed that can be raised to the caregiver’s waist. It would be too difficult to do on a regular bed.

3. Two people are needed. One person cannot manage it.

4. The patient has to be compliant. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting smacked by the patient while changing them.
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My husband is bedridden. On top of the bed linen I lay a large protective washable pad and then place two additional Medline pads on top of the washable pad. That way I am triple covered before any urine even thinks of getting to the linens. But I do change the linens 2 times a week because body odor does build up. I do not want to smell urine and therefore I am OCD on this issue. I also place a light absorbent pad over the private parts, then the sheets. That gives my husband the ability to use the absorbent pad to pat away any dripping. Again, I am OCD on this but it keeps all smells away and he is clean and comfortable. My husband uses a Urinal that is attached to a bag. I love these. We have tried the ones that attach to the penis with a bag and that did not work. I set a stand next to the bed so he can hang up the urinal and let it drain into the bag. I bought these urinal attached to a bag off Amazon. The stand alone urinals would require me emptying it all the time and leaves room for him to accidentally spill the stand alone urinal.

I also agree with the other post. If its soiled clean it. Do not let someone sit in their own soil. Not good for the skin or their self esteem.
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Nickname: For a bedridden senior, perhaps twice or three times per week the bed linens should be changed. Quite possibly that would have to be adjusted to even more frequently since the senior is also consuming food and drinking liquids in bed.
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You've read the correct answers:
Whenever soiled
After fever
During bathing
Use washable or disposable chucks to keep soiling off sheets
Once, or twice, a week

It's so much easier if you have at least 3 sets of sheets. If the bed is against the wall and doesn't roll, I don't mess with fitted sheets. I just use flat ones. Until manufacturers figure out we only need 2 fitted corners sometimes. With a flat sheet to lay on and a cover, changing the bed is a breeze. I know a lot of people who don't use a top sheet but just wash the comforter as needed.

For people with short arms, I see no problem in putting a large, wide beach towel on the bed as an extra layer after the bed is made with the sheet. There are 100% cotton cut-loop beach towels nowadays, so only one side has typical looped stitching, while the other side is soft and smooth. You might know it as "velour"-ish. If I were the patient, I would want something cotton over the chucks anyway. Or you can put the chucks on the towel. With a beach towel there, you buy yourself time before the bed has to be changed. I long for the day when beach towels come in solid colors and are typically wider. With the first soiling, you just toss the beach towel in the wash and replace the chucks. So much easier than re-making the whole bed. You can also fold a sheet in half and use that instead of a beach towel. Or use a crib sheet on top of the made bed.

Did you know you can undo the bed and make the bed with him in it? There are You tubes for that. If he is able to roll on his side and back, it's really not too hard. Maybe you already do it.
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It all depends on how many 'accidents' happen in the bed. I only had to do it with weekly laundry. Sweating at night (or with fever) could up that count to everyday if that applies to your person. Also, if there is excessive dry skin issue, it would be good to change more often. Nothing feels better than clean sheets.
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