
Just for comic relief from mom's "I have something like leprosy" routine, my poor husband has come down with shingles on his backside. He's on an antiviral and pain meds and I'm slathering his butt with antibacterial/benzocaine cream, both to prevent secondary infection of the blisters and to ease the pain. Any and all suggestions are happily accepted. Happy 4th of July!

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While It is not possible to transmit shingles, it is possible to get chickenpox from someone with shingles by direct contact with active blisters. If you have never had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine - go get inoculated, the same virus that causes shingles causes chickenpox. I have heard that even if you have had chicken pox as a child, the virus has mutated into something sort of different/new and you can catch it again. I understand shingles to be very painful - so sorry for hubby and for you!
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My father developed shingles in rehab after several months of being in 2 regular hospitals and 2 long term care hospitals. Obviously there was a lot of stress during this period.

The staff gloved, gowned and masked and provided PT and OT in his room. I don't recall though what creams or meds they used on his back. When he was discharged, at home I put on prescription lidocaine patches. I also don't recall how often they were changed, but they did solve the problem. And despite a lot of stresses since then, the shingles haven't recurred, nor have I contracted them.

This was also the one time I agreed to have him take Buspar, which did help ease the transition from rehab to home, after about 7 months of living in medical facilities.

The only suggestion I can make is extra attention, extra TLC, and perhaps something really, really very soft and comfortable as a cushion to help protect his skin from any abrasions or friction when he sits and moves around.

Is he able to get sick time off or does he still have to make an appearance at wherever he works? I certainly hope he can recover at home.

I am so sorry for your husband; shingles are painful and challenging enough to deal with without being located in a position that could prevent him from sitting comfortably.

My best wishes are extended to both of you for a quick recovery and no repeat of this episode.

His shingles were on his upper and middle back. T
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Nickie, apple cider and vinegar for years was also considered good for those suffering from arthritis. Mom and Dad both took it. My father was spry up into his 90's. Maybe it's time for him to go back on the cider vinegar remedy. Maybe time for me, too!
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Shingles, chicken pox, herpes are all kissing cousins. Personally, even if you've had shingles or chicken pox I would still get vaccinated- and I'm a bit in the anti-vaccine camp. It is possible to get these miserable viruses a second time - usually not as bad as others have noted. Still - I had chicken pox when I was five and I still remember how awful it was - I did get a Play-Dough Factory out of the deal but it was of small consolation!
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Oh, sorry, I see you've already found some good cushions. I was typing as you were posting.

Now I'm wondering if the Wonder Gel cushions could be used for someone who's so thin that there is no padding at all. It might ease the discomfort of sitting.
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Another thought - foods with vitamins for healing, no sweets ( no scientific reason except that they can be inflammatory agents), and of course lots of TLC from Babalou!
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Organic Apple cider vinegar helps if you put on a washcloth and pat the area 3-4 times a day. Drinking a couple tablespoons a day in water is good just for overall health. Shingles definitely is a sign of a low immune system, which we know is caused by diet (I know it's hard to control with our parents!), stress, and lack of sleep. Look up different foods/supplements that increase immunity, such as acerola cherries, vitamin C supplement. Hope that helps!!
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After my father passed I developed a mystery rash that hung on for months. I saw Drs and demonologist with no real diagnosis - they eventually decided on stress induced eczema, which they said was unusual to develop at my age. Anyhoo - I was self medicating with home remedies and did raw apple cider vinegar- hard to deal with the taste but eventually got use to it. Also did coconut oil - hard to get use to the texture but eventually got use to it. Tried kumbucha- yuk - really hard to get use to the taste - but eventually got use to it. Honestly - not sure how much any of that help. Certainly weren't miracle cures and I imagine you have to take any one thing for a while to see a benefit. It's funny how old fashion remedies cycle through and become popular again. For the record - leeches are out for me, I don't care what I have! Soooo creepy!
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Put vinagar in a spray bottle and spray shingles three or four times a day .i did this to my husband and they started going away the next day .
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My sympathies to all of you out there! My husband is healing up nicely, thanks to a very alert Urgent Care doctor and a pharmacy that is open on Sunday. There ARE some benefits to living in NYC!
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