
Friends will always take your side, so I'm hoping to get some guidance from people I don't know, but are in a similar situation. This will be a long read, grab a coffee.

I'm 44 years old (female), I have 2 older brothers (51 and 47). We all live in Connecticut. My son (23) and I live upstairs from my mother in the home that she and we grew up in (which she owns). My dad passed away in 2009 from combat related lung cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. Because of the nature of his illness, my mom gets "survivor benefits" through the VA (a monthly payment and health/Rx insurance). So, her monthly income is from Social Security and the VA Survivor Benefits (she is a retired hairdresser, no pension there).

My oldest brother (single, no kids) has his own home about 40 minutes away. My middle brother (divorced, no kids) lives downstairs with my mom (moving in after his divorce 10 years ago). He comes with his own baggage and story. Prior to his divorce he was diagnosed with tonsil cancer and received radiation pellets which has made him cancer free since the surgery. Cancer made it difficult for him to swallow so for a few years he had a G-tube (feeding tube). This brother is also an alcoholic. To clarify, a hardcore alcoholic. With the G-tube he found that he could put vodka into it. This didn't go well and further spiraled his addiction out of control - leading to him being in the ICU at Yale for quite some time, his weight dropping to about 97lbs on his 5'9 frame. But, he bounced back. He had the feeding tube removed over 8 years ago, but never stopped drinking or smoking. He's been in and out of rehab across the state more times than I can count, with sobriety only lasting until he acclimates back at home. His behavior is erratic and unpredictable. He doesn't work, rarely drives and hardly gets out of bed. Needless to say, this puts an enormous mental burden on my mother (as well as my son and I). She can't "throw him out" because she would need to go through the legal system to have him evicted. Instead, she "deals" with his behavior. My son and I both work full time. While I don't pay my mother rent (obviously I pay my own utilities), I pay for the year-round yard maintenance, bring her to all of her doctor's appointments, do her shopping, balance her checkbook (after 50 years she suddenly can't do it herself), cook dinner a few times a week or take her out to dinner (if I don't cook she'll make herself popcorn or an ice cream cone!). Since I live upstairs, I'm at her beck and call 24/7.

She was recently diagnosed with COPD, Congestive Heart Failure and Sleep Apnea - adding to having had Type 2 diabetes for about 15 years. She's 73, but has herself living like an invalid. She has 1 friend left whom she rarely reaches out to (sadly, in the past 6 months she lost her best friend as well as the bf's husband and husband's sister - she was close with all of them). My mom is mentally fit. She can drive herself around town to run her own errands, but waits until the weekend when I'm around to taxi her. Selfishly, this irritates me because I work all week. When I make plans to be with my boyfriend she gets angry! I get that she's lonely, but If I make plans I have to hear how awful and selfish I am, knowing she's alone all week. She's never lived independently and has NO independence about her at all. Often she'll repeat things she's told me and talks non-stop. She has no interest in being social or going to a senior center, rather she opts to stay in the house all day then complain on the weekend that she doesn't go anywhere all week. Neither brother even attempts to help (one isn't conscience long enough and the other "needs to unwind" when he gets out of work). She'll say "Oh, maybe I'll just die then you won't have to take care of me" (if you're familiar with "The Soprano's", my mother sounds like Tony's). I've asked if she'd like to talk to someone but that makes her angrier. She's unhappy, joyless, miserable. It's draining.

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Dubey, like most people on the site, I really do want to help. I’m sorry that what I wrote, and several others wrote, came across as ‘snarky’ and unhelpful. Please could you give some idea about what sort of reply you really did want to read? I honestly don’t know, and would like to know. It could help us do it better next time.
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I think you & your son are living in a situation where you're enabling your mother to rely on you and not on herself, which will only get worse. With her health issues of CHF and COPD present, she can use them as an excuse to not be 'able' to do for herself, and since she has you & her grandson living upstairs, why should she? That's how she looks at it. As she gets older, things will only worsen and she'll rely on you for 100% of everything as she gets more & more miserable & negative. Of course it's draining to be living with such a toxic individual, and then to throw your brother into the mix just makes the whole dysfunctional situation even MORE intolerable.

Even though this is your childhood home and you feel beholden to your mother, it behooves you to move out now which forces her to do for HERSELF. Either that, or hire outside help to come in instead. At 73, she can easily live another 2 decades. CHF takes a long time to get serious, and COPD can last a long time too if it's not too bad right now. Do you have 20 more years in YOU to be doing this for her? THAT is the question to ask yourself. Not whether you have the chutzpah to stand up to your mother, or whether she should evict your brother, or whether there's some magic wand out there you weren't asking for to begin with.

The question is, how much longer do you want to live in this madness?

I know for myself, I could never live with my mother and her toxic negativity. I'm her POA but she lives in Memory Care now, and Assisted Living before that, and in Independent Living before that, and in her own home with my father in another state before that. After I moved out at 17, that was IT for living with mom again. Once was enough. I love ya, ma, but we can't live together. And I'm her only child, to boot.

Decide what your next move in life should be. You will always be there for your mother, to talk to her, to help her in any way you can, but as far as living together under the same roof, that's what may need to change. You can definitely be her POA and advocate for life; you can do THAT and still live elsewhere. Your relationship may change for the better as a result once you stop cohabitating. Who knows? Once you aren't listening to the complaining and misery 24/7, you may grow to like her more. The love will always be there, it's the 'liking' part that may get better. And by forcing her to do more for herself, you may wind up doing her a huge favor in the long run. She's quite young to be reliant on others to this degree. She's stronger than she realizes!

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck. It's not easy to make big changes, for anybody..........for you or for your mother. But sometimes it's the best choice for everyone.
Helpful Answer (2)

Dubey ,

I know it's a tough situation, but you do have options!
Sometimes you have to try to look at those options without emotion.
What is best for you and your son?
What is best for Mom?
Could you hire a someone to come a couple days a week to do shopping, light housework and company?

My brother and my cousin are exactly like your alcoholic brother!
They both lived with enablers.
Unfortunately my brother took his own life 3 years.
My cousin was in the hospital last year when my Uncle passed. My Aunt has Alzheimer's. My cousin fried his brain with drugs and alcohol and had been physically abusive to my Aunt. I moved her into memory care and sold her home to pay her expenses.
To the best of my knowledge, he is currently in a shelter. Recieving social security and 3 meals a day.

It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life!!

Now that I'm 19 months out, I know it was the best option and the right thing to do!!

You deserve to have your own life!! Don't let mom "Gaslight" you into living your life with her as the center of your universe!!

If mom can't take care of herself, explain to her that she'll need to move to a retirement community and sell her home to pay for it.
Brother is a grown man! He needs to figure his own life out!
You have enough on your plate!

There most likely is no peaceful solution unless you want to maintain the current situation.

It's not easy, but you can do it!!!

Helpful Answer (2)

Time you got up and moved you and your son to your own front door even if it is only something small.
Your mother is quite possibly behaving as she does through an erosion of her confidence, having your brother with her and his behaviour all the time. You need to consider if he is gaslighting your mother - addicts are good at putting the blame on others.
I don't see why she needs legal recourse to evict him unless he is paying her rent, she can just kick him out.
Basically it sounds as though having the family living in the same premises but in individual lives just isn't working.
You are the strongest so I suggest you do what is right for you and move out, don't stay and complain, do something about it.
Helpful Answer (1)

I thought I had posted a comment, but maybe it was still in draft when PC forced a restart. Whatever. It is a shame you didn't buy the place you liked. I wouldn't really consider it an impulse purchase since you've wanted a place to call your own for quite some time now - esp, if it met most of what you wanted in a place. But, you passed on that, so moving on..,

I also would recommend you consider moving, the sooner the better. The longer you stay, the harder it might become to separate yourselves from this situation. Your plans include staying close, same or next town, so it isn't like you wouldn't be going there at times. Cleaning out the junk can wait. If you move, it can be stored temporarily and you can clean up a bit each time you visit/help.

Although she "got over it" and has been more civil, it will only happen again if you talk about moving. It's always nice to have a family member included in our happy plans, but not when they are not on board with the change that will come with it. I wouldn't recommend including her in any tours. Rent if you're not ready to buy. Take your time finding the right house for you, but you should find a place for you and your son sooner rather than later.

As for her complaint that she's alone all week when you work (despite you making or buying several meals/week!) and getting upset that you make plans with your BF, perhaps you could reserve some time on ONE of the weekend days. a few hours or so that would be for her. BF can be included IF you want him to and IF he wants to join you, but it might be best to have it her time only. Try to make plans ahead and do whatever it is she wants to do during that time. Then the rest of the day and/or the other day is yours to do with as you wish.

I do hope you find a happy resolution. It is often difficult living with family, even when there are separate areas, but when they are dysfunctional (bro) and needy/ill, it is even harder. This has been going on for a long long time, so it isn't going to be easy and it likely won't be pretty. If need be, give mom some time to adjust - you can try to maintain contact, but if she's nasty like she was, put distance between you both, like you did last time. She'll probably never "get over it", but it might tone down some, esp if she can have some of your time.

"It's of no surprise I was voted to be named as the PoA." Perhaps you already are aware, but just in case, being PoA does NOT mean you have to care for her physically. It means you can manage her affairs (financial and/or medical) if/when she can't. Some people do think POA grants more "power" than it does. Really it's more like having someone who can review and sign documents, manage bills, help make medical decisions. There's no "care" involved and it doesn't give you any power to make her move, or do anything else she refuses to so, should that ever be necessary.
Helpful Answer (1)

Someone can only boss you around if you allow it, so why do it? Yes, it takes a bit of courage to stand up to a parent, particularly if this has been the dynamic between you and your mom for years if not since you were a kid. If you continue to let her make you miserable, then you are choosing misery. She's not holding a gun, so what is she going to do? She is taking you on a guilt trip, and you have no reason to get on board.

Our main responsibility to our aging parents is to be sure their physical needs are being met. It does not mean we are responsible for their happiness.
Helpful Answer (2)

Maybe she's not so sure about her own driving ability anymore and puts off errands until someone else will take her. She's not independent, as you say, so having a drunk son around is better than no one around. Her life is the rut that it is. Have you ridden in the car with her to see how well she drives??? Worth a trip just so you'll know.

Arrange to do as much as you can online for her - grocery shopping, medicines by delivery or mail, nearly anything you need can be ordered and delivered that way using uber, doordash or other such driving services.

Talk to the functional brother and see if y'all can work a deal where he goes one weekend and you go the other. Both of you would get some down time and time with other people. Tell him that your down time is just as necessary as his.
Helpful Answer (2)

My Mother was very down due to stroke stealing her ability to walk. At the beginning she just wanted it to 'go away'. Over time, she has come to accept that any change must come from her. That the magic wand she sought was in fact offered in a different way: in the shape of a good medical team, family support, her own physical exertion (put towards huge amount or rehab) & a change in thinking. Now she is starting to walk again.

Deciding to change is just the first step. It's usually worth it 😃
Helpful Answer (2)

Dubey, what is your plan to change this situation?

You only have control over your own behavior, as you well know.

So what do you think the best thing to change might be?
Helpful Answer (6)

Virtually all of us would just LOVE a magic wand, snarky or not!
Helpful Answer (1)

Dmdubey, move out and live your life INDEPENDENTLY!!!!!!!
Helpful Answer (3)

Dubey, if you want ‘Guidance from unbiased folks’, you have to expect a range of views. If you only want them from people ‘in a similar situation’, they must have made the same choices as you have, and the guidance will be one way – ‘be grateful for the chance to sacrifice yourself’, is the way some people put it. Which did you really want?

Suggestions for magic wands to change your mother and brothers aren’t likely to be all that realistic. Perhaps use the ‘snarky’ comments you don’t like, as a way to think through what guidance could help you.
Helpful Answer (1)
DMDubey76 Apr 2021
Again, no one asked for a "magic wand". To that I say, "snarky" again.
The tone of a few people on here is pretty nauseating. I'm not looking to be coddled, just support and perspective from others "in the same boat". While most of the commenters have been kind, offering guidance, some are downright miserable people with nothing positive to say. Clearly caring for folks in your life has given a few people a rather sh*tty disposition. I wanted to think there would be comradery here but in reality I regret even reaching out. Very easy to post sharp opinions, I get it. Snarky comments aren't helpful - apparently I need to consider the sources.
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Daughterof1930 Apr 2021
Dubey, when I first came here reaching out with questions, several people replied with info I didn’t agree with at all. The more I read on the forum though, the more I learned. People land here after an endless myriad of problems and issues. Many never had a supportive family life, some were abused, others heartlessly taken advantage of. Sometimes we get advice that either we don’t agree with or hits so close to truth that it’s uncomfortable to read. Always consider whether the advice could be a help, and understand that you don’t fully know the perspective others bring
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"She's never lived independently and has NO independence about her at all."

Pot calling the kettle black?
Helpful Answer (0)
DMDubey76 Apr 2021
A bit snarky, eh? You must be a joy at parties.
See 1 more reply
I feel your pain, however, you are the only one that can change things, I do not live with my elderly mother luckily. Mine has two personalities, one for me( rude, sarcastic, depressing, demanding, always feeling ill) one for the outside world, ( happy, adorable, kind, sweet)
My moms personality has not changed because she is getting older, she has always been the same, I have had to learn a different way of dealing with her demands,
I work full time so does my brother, we both starting helping mom when my dad sadly passed away, as my brother has a very demanding job he was finding it hard to visit as often, my mom could not understand this and started being quite nasty when talking about him to me, I found myself gently defending him against her vile tongue, as I did not want to upset her after loosing her husband of 50 years.
Fast forward a few years, moms health started to deteriorate, she need help around the house, but refused to have anyone other than me help her, this caused quite a heated row between myself and my mom, I then cut off contact for 4 weeks, the outcome was, mom now has a cleaner visit the house twice a week, the hairdresser visits once a week, and the sarcasm is kept to a minimum as she knows I will stop visiting if her appalling behaviour continues,
Be brave, move out, like mine your mom is behaving like a child, so treat her like one, bad behaviour equals a sanction, they are never to old to learn.
Helpful Answer (2)

I don't see that anyone in this house is completely independent. OP, has had a roof over her head her entire life provided by mom. She does not want to give that up. OP, you are the only one that can change your situation. Time to move on and gain your independence. Mom can and will have to figure it out.
Helpful Answer (5)
CTTN55 Mar 2021
Thanks for pointing out why OP doesn't seem to have any intention of moving out.
Care for one's parents often falls to one child, especially the female child. It took me a long time to learn that you can't make anyone happy and no one can make you happy; each person is responsible for their own life and happiness. If she is unhappy, miserable and joyless it is her choice, or it could be she doesn't know how to find joy. My mother also seems to lead a rather joyless life - she would have made a good puritan and her view of the world is basically a puritanical one.

You do need to move out and set healthy boundaries. You have your own life to lead just as your son has his own life to lead - which doesn't mean you abandon your mother - you can still help her but not be there 24/7. Who knows, without you being in the house and occasionally unavailable, she may have to reach out to the other brother. While you didn't pay rent, you have contributed to the home financially and with personal services to your mother. When you move out, your mother will have to deal with the house and her live-son. If the house is too much for her she can always sell the house which would effectively evict your brother. With the sale of the house, she should be able move into a more suitable accommodations without her son. But no matter what your mother does it is her decision; if she makes bad decisions she has to live with it, not you. All you can do is love her and try and guide her.
Helpful Answer (2)

I would think with the diagnosis of COPD and CHF it would be in mom's best health interest in getting the brother that smokes out of the house. The problem with that is with this "little" (sarcasm here) COVID problem we are having evictions are nigh unto impossible to get.
Can you turn the tables on mom and say..."mom I have a really busy week this week and I need a few things could you run to the store on Monday and pick up a few things?"
The other thing to do would be to check with the VA and find out if there are any programs that would provide a caregiver to your mom. They can do the running around that you would do. If the VA does not have a program that will do that then mom should pay for a caregiver that would come in and help her out. Run errands with her.
And it sounds like it is time for an "intervention" with your comatose brother. He is killing himself.
Time to set boundaries for yourself. If mom refuses to try evicting brother, if there is no intervention nothing is going to change so you have to effect your own change. Stop giving all weekends to mom. If you can afford it begin looking for another place. If you are Working from Home I suggest if you can to find someplace else to work so mom does not think you are "just home" and are at her beck and call 24/7. It is a lot different when people left for work at 8 and did not come home until 5 that was a "real" work day. To some people if you are home you are not "really" working. If you can not go anywhere to work then you are "unavailable" from 8 until 5 Monday through Friday.
Helpful Answer (3)

Reading your original post, I find it hard to understand how and why you are putting up with this. Mother and brother’s problems are their own to solve. Your involvement is only stopping them from solving them.

Your family’s problems are a soap opera that is sucking you in. Get out! Watch the soap opera from a distance! That should be much more interesting, useful, helpful, and positive than getting in there as a minor player! Or even better, you can focus on your own life instead!
Helpful Answer (1)

This sounds alot like my dad ! And my situation...

The difference is my dad's health has deterioted so he can't do his shopping himself...

When my mum passed because I lived in the house and my sister was with her partner I was expected to make sure dad was okay.

Emotionally be wasn't he would so anxious it took me ages to get back to work. Since then he has taken a stroke and his health has gotten worse ie I think the care team have enabled him to become more reliant on others rather than encourage his independance so now after getting a hospital bed he can't walk...all his care is done from bed...

Apart from that i do see similarities even when my dad was capable he wanted me to do's like he enjoys the attention and pity he gets. He likes being waited on hand and foot.

I do feel sorry for him he is kind of a lost soul since my mum passed but then as nice as he seems one minute he can turn to be angrt aggressive with me. He also did not want me meeting my partner or friends...I can so relate...

Whats the deak with you not paying rent ? You help with maintenance that's some thing.

Maybe her expecting your assistance may be due to to the fact you are not contributing to the rent ?

This must be stressful for your mum also a alcoholic son and every one living at her place is what she wants?

It sounds like she is trying to manipulate you and putting the guilt trip on you for wanting a life of your own ?

She needs to try something to improve her social interactions if not then tell her you won't listen if she complains she is never out (this is her choice )

You can only do so much for her but hopefully it's not overstepping your boundaries and you get quality time doing things for just you.
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I posted earlier. Just checking in...

How are you doing today?

You’re going to figure it out. It is wise to seek advice. I am comforted by the posters on this forum.

There are times when we feel so lost. Hearing various viewpoints helps me gain a new perspective on my situation.

It’s nice just knowing that I can speak to others with similar experiences.

Nothing happens overnight.
It takes time to sort through possible solutions. It can be difficult when we are right smack in the middle of all the mayhem.

Step back and catch your breath when needed.

Wishing you all the best as you face your challenging circumstances.
Helpful Answer (1)
DMDubey76 Mar 2021
Thank you very much. Everyone has been very kind and that certainly helps settle my racing thoughts and emotions. Sometimes I do need to be reminded to slow down and breathe. :)
1. You need to see a counselor about this and you need to work with setting firm limits with everyone in your family. You are the "scape goat" to them and you always will be. None of this is about you, but it is about them blaming you for everything. A role you have been "assigned" but not earned.
2. If your mental health is suffering you need to take stock of what you have in terms of finances/savings and how you and your son can live on your own. Get your mom's finances in check and consider an account that you don't share but one that you can monitor online. If you can afford it MOVE OUT.
3. If your name is on the deed to the house, meet with a lawyer about kicking your brother out of the house. You might consider an intervention for him and getting him out of the equation. He needs to go ASAP. If your mother won't boot him out then he should be taking care of her NOT YOU.
4. Leave your older brother out of this. If he finds out, your mother will switch to him as primary caregiver. Given that he isn't helping you, he's not going to help her. Cut him off, don't communicate with him again, EVER.
5. Your mom's list of medical problems will kill her and more than likely sooner than you think. You need to get a plan in place for her death and her final wishes. You can not take care of either of your brothers after her death. If she leaves the house to your drunk brother. Then you need to move out ASAP, and never speak to him again till he gets clean and sober.
Helpful Answer (2)

You don't seem to reply to the suggestion to move out. You were looking at places and then backed out.

I don't think you are going to move out, and so have relegated yourself to being your mother's slave. Is this true? Or are you willing to change your life and stop enabling her?

Many people post here who really have no intention of changing things. Are you one of them?
Helpful Answer (1)
DMDubey76 Mar 2021
Actually I replied to most of the folks that left comments, yes, even the ones that suggested moving. Not seeing a reason to repeat my responses verbatim, I'll adlib a bit. Although it may be seen as an "excuse to stay", my decision not to jump on buying the house we saw is because to do so would be impulsive and irresponsible. I need to finish one thing before I move on to the next. Maybe that's a personality flaw and I accept that. While a good part of the junk in the house requiring a dumpster is my mothers, there is also a lot that is mine (44 years in the same house does that). With that being said, my post wasn't to search for folks that would be "on my side" and thusly cherry picking my replies to their comments. I tried to respond to anyone who kindly took the time to give me some of their wisdom and experiences. I value that, as I am treading in a territory that I'm not familiar with. I have enough self respect not to view myself as my mother's slave, but rather I have assumed a role that I never thought I would be thrust into and I'm trying my best to remain respectful of my mother - because at the end of the day she is still my mother. I fully acknowledge that more often than not I'm being treated crappy. I try to see the situation from her perspective and I do think she's terrified. Terrified of aging, of her recent health issues being more intense than she anticipated and the sadness that comes with the death of her husband and essentially most of her friends. Again, not trying to find excuses for her behavior but maybe empathy? I'm trying to be the bigger person and some days are easier than others. No, things aren't going to "get better". Most assuredly I will lose my brother AND my mother in the somewhat near future. At the end of the day I'll know I tried my best with both of them, nature will take it's course.
See 1 more reply
Your house sounds like one big boat & you are all in it together. Mother is keen to stay Captain, Brother is snoozing in the hold, you & Son are the rowing crew - keeping it all afloat.

Maybe mutiny is in the air!

You may sometimes feel powerless to make your family understand your need for change. They may well fight you to keep things as they are... But you DO have power here.

Stop rowing so hard. Slow down.

Explain you will still be FAMILY. You just won't be all the help going forward.

Offer many non-you alternatives (senior centre for company, deliveries & taxis for errands etc). Do you have an elder care assessment service in your area? To explore what Mother needs & qualifies for?

Then find you own little boat to row. This will mean taking on the responsibility of rent or your own mortgage, but this is taking responsibility for yourself & is the price of freedom.

This will force them to either row their own boats, hire other rowers or sink (into crises) depending on the choices they make.
Helpful Answer (6)
DMDubey76 Mar 2021
I absolutely love this response. Thank you <3
Think about the old Cecil B. DeMille advice: "Never accept anything for nothing - it costs too much in the end." Paying no rent gives your mom the idea you owe her.
Helpful Answer (8)

Nobody is perfect. Each of your family members has issues - as we all do. However, it sounds like you are not happy in your current situation. If your mom is mentally fit (please have her doctor evaluate her for dementia), then you are within your rights to change things - for yourself.

If your mom has early dementia, then you need to talk to her about visiting a lawyer who specializes in family law. Please ask her get a will, power of attorney for finances (probably you), power of attorney for medical (again, probably you), and advanced directive. Better she does this while she is of sound mind. You might also prompt her to talk to the lawyer about the alcoholic she is enabling. Until she is diagnosed as "mentally incompetent," you do not need to take over control of any area of her life.

If you want to stay in your home, you may need to consider how to make adjustments. If mom is "letting you stay," then consider making a rental agreement together with her. Outline what are your responsibilities in terms of finances, tasks, and time, Make sure that you do not agree to anything that keeps you from meeting your needs for sleep, meals, time to meet your health needs, and time off to nourish your soul with people you value. You may want to ask your son to have a similar rental agreement with his grandma. What mom allows her sons to do and asks from them in terms of help is totally her business. You can ask your brothers to help, but don't count on it happening.

If you find that you can not tolerate living in the conditions as stated in your post AND your family is not willing to make reasonable adjustments.... then you may be better off finding a new place to live. Then, you may decide on what tasks you wish to continue to do for your mother - without any bitterness. I do have 2 suggestions that may help you in dealing with your family. First, read any of the books by Townsend and Cloud about "boundaries." These Christian counsellors have a wonderful approach to dealing with problem behaviors. Second, please consider attending Ala-non - an organization for friends and family of alcoholics. Your mom is enabling your brother to continue his alcoholism. To some degree his alcoholism is also impacting your life. Your son would probably also benefit from the same 2 suggestions since his life is also impacted by the negative behaviors he is experiencing at home.
Helpful Answer (3)

If you are the caregiver, u wash her clothes, shop for groceries, go to carry out, vacuum floors, assemble various wood, metal item, she has ordered on ebay, or internet, dr. appointments, run the lawn mower, repair faucets, replace electrical or repair electrical, replace and or repair plumbing fixtures, check bank accounts, and credit cards, and anything else requested. It is a miracle that some of her dysfunctions has not rubbed off on ME. ?????
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Just a thought when responding to OP.

I said to her to tell Mom "I need to work. I have no one to depend on but myself"

Do those of you that have Cared for others now look at life this way. For whatever reasons our parents didn't plan their futures, do you find you really don't want to depend on others for your care? That you mentally are ready to give up the house, downsize if it means not depending on someone else to keep a lifestyle you are used to. None of that "we want to keep Mom in her home as long as posdible". With that means hiring aides, maybe kids responsible for mowing the lawn and upkeep. Meaning others need to sacrifice to make you happy. Not me. I never heard out of my parents mouth "I expect u to care for me". Even though I am sure they felt I would be there to help. If my DH goes before me, I plan on selling and downsizing. When I need help, I plan on going to an AL. We have been able to set money aside.
Helpful Answer (3)
DMDubey76 Mar 2021
Exactly. Everything comes full circle unless we break the cycle. My mother was in the exact same position as me. While she was married and had 3 kids, we all lived upstairs from her parents. She CHOSE to take care of them, she didn't work and for the most part we were adults (me near to). It drained her and she resented her siblings (a brother and a sister) for not being helpful. Then my grandparents passed away and her and my dad moved downstairs, leaving my son and I living upstairs. I've told her many times, with my position and channels at work she will be well cared for when the time comes that she needs intense care. I conveyed that I don't have it in me to play nurse but I would get the best possible care when that time comes. I work, no part of me wants to be a primary care giver (which again, she volunteered for with her parents). I see the cycle and I want NO part of it. I instill this into my adult son as well. I don't want him to worry about me when I get older. I have money go into a long term care account for when I get older to facilitate that. Being a "planner" by nature, I want to ensure my son has a fabulous life without worrying about what's going to happen to me. While there are similarities between my mother and I - we are still very different. I think she envies my independence and boldness, even though she won't admit it. She's always been afraid of everything, which has prevented her from enjoying her life. Losing my father at a somewhat young age made it very clear, we get one chance at life. What you decide to do with it and the happiness you have are on you. I choose to be happy (or at least try to). Again, the cycle of misery and manipulation will end with me.
1. However you do it, take yourself out of the "caregiver" role by bringing help in for your mother now, before you move out. If that is ever going to be.
2. Set your own son free from this enmeshment, and strongly advise him to separate and individuate, fly the nest, launch, and thrive in 2021. Look up "failure to launch" syndrome.
3. You must act separately from your son, for your own mental health, and his.
Make that your priority. Even if it means you moving out first. Really.
4. Your excuse for not moving out is telling. imo.
" The truth is, our current house needs to be emptied and I'm in the process of getting quotes for dumpsters. I can't think clearly about packing up and moving until we rid the place of the crap that has accumulated."
You could move out and have that empty space to sort out Mom's things, or even just store her stuff upstairs!
So you did not buy. Ok, rent until you can yourself get help for the codependency.
5. An alcoholic (with your brother's medical issues) in some cases, will not live beyond the age of 50, if you can call that living. I knew of one who lived longer, but would fully detox in between, and was not often passed out.

Good things are going to happen if you are able to at all shake things up and change the dynamics in your dysfunctional family.

You should know, there is nothing wrong with the tradition of multi-generational families living together in the same home. If that works for you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Geaton777 Mar 2021
Agree with everything Sendhelp posted. "Emptying the house" is a subconscious stall tactic for yourself. Whose stuff are you emptying? Yours or your mother's? If it's your mom' That's her job. Don't enable.
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Do you have to pay your own bills and support yourself?

Then your career is just as important as your brother's.

My mother was the same way. I've been an in-home caregiver for many years. She always put me down about it. How it's not a "real" job like my college-educated sibling has. She couldn't understand why I can't just change my hours to humor her when she wants or need something. My other sibling didn't work at all, but his sex alone protected him from any and all chastisement and shame from mom.
She tries to pull that crap on me still from time to time. Not so much because I cut her down fast when it starts up.
You're just as important as your brother and so is your job whatever it is.
Helpful Answer (4)

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