
No family history of cancers.

The doctor says most patients over 75 opt out of having mamagrams She also said with Alzheimer’s would we actually treat mom if she did develop breast cancer. (Mom is in stage 6 Alzheimer’s)


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No, at her stage I wouldn't put her thru it. If she did get cancer, u wouldn't treat it at this stage.
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The cancer treatment can be worse than the disease. Leave her be.
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I ask the same question last year and got a resounding NO. Luz, dw, passed away early this year.
I vote NO.
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I think it might be a nice short thread if you asked "hands up anyone who does think a 76 year old with no family history of cancers should have a mammogram."

Even the doctor doesn't seem to be recommending it?
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My mom (76) actually has a lump in her breast, cancer runs in the family, but she's in late stage 6 so we all decided a mammogram and anything that follows just isn't the way to go.  she wouldn't understand what was happening and let's be honest those mammograms are very uncomfortable/hurt and there is no way they would stand still for that.  She's non-verbal so she can't tell us if something hurts or if she feels sick so we'll just take care of whatever we can with medications and keep her comfortable and happy.
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Sorry you are being put in this position, I also join the 'No' choir!
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I would not have the test done. At 76 with no family history your mom seems low risk anyway. I would not put her through it. No way.
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It is a money maker, that is the reason. I would say no, let her be.
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I'm 75, no family history, and was told that no need for mammograms from here on out unless I want to. Apparently if a person has had previous mammogram abnormalities and/or family history, they should continue with mammograms every 2 years afer age 75. But, with stage 6 Alz, I think "no" is the answer, no mater what.
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Report mom actually stopped going for mammograms, colonoscopy, GYN visits about 15 years ago, she’s now 92..her decision.
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My mother-in-law’s new DR. wants her to have a yearly mammogram. It’s been a few years since she had one. She is 81 and has SEVERE COPD. I asked the Dr. (not in front of my mother in law), If she had cancer, with her lung issues, could she even tolerate treatment? Her answer was, “Well, Medicare recommends it.” Kind of crazy to me!
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