
After hours of waiting for her and worrying. we were wrecks when she finally showed up. She was calm as can be and had no recollection of forgetting anything. When is it time to step in? We have no idea how to deal with this

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eggshells I would also say now is the time to step in before something worse than being late happens. I take it Mom doesn't live with you? Still living alone? From my own experience, the elderly tend to lose the ability to understand time and mileage. They just drive....they have forgotten or are not able to comprehend road signs and when something doesn't look familiar, they just drive until, like ASG says, they end up in other states. It sounds to me like there are some mental status changes going on and Mom probably needs to see her doctor, if she hasn't already. Driving is one of those last independent privileges that the elderly find so hard to let go....if Mom enjoys driving this will become a very hard thing for her to do. But for her health and welfare and those of others on the roads, sometimes that privilege has to be taken away. I'm trying to say, this will not be easy and I hope you have other family members to assist you in this because it will make Mom a very unhappy person. Good luck to you and let us know how you are doing!

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Dear eggshell' , going through the same thing with my 86 year old mom. She drove since the age of 17 until about a year ago the doctor took her license away due to having Dementure and Alzhimers. My neice and nephew said that Alzhimers is Diabetes of the brain the nerve endings in her brain are scoched and that is how they can determine if she has Alzhimers. Mom used to be able to do income taxes with no problems now she can't do a simple adding or subtration her writting is getting really bad she shakes when she goes to sign her name Thank the good lord that I had a good idea 5 years ago that we would go to the attorney and have our wills written and I'm her power of atturney for both Health and finances. We live together and I care for her 24/7 I would look into doing that with your mom as soon as possible it will save her life and your sanity. Good luck my friend...
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Now would probably be the time to step in. I have heard of people winding up in other states cause they got lost.
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5 times in an hour??? Hello!!!!
Your mom needs 24/7 care NOW... before she ends up lost somewhere and you don't know where she is.
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It is very hard for a parent to give up independence. Maybe you need to take her to a doctor for evaluation and ask the doctor questions about your mom. Go prepared, think about what you need to ask before you go. Good luck!
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