
He can shower, he will be then a chair he just gets out of breath walking. They're not doing anything he's been there for 4 days. Can I just bring him home he's miserable he's been gone for 3 months after heart surgery.

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I’ve been in rehab/NH for 5 days. I don’t talk to PT/OT until Monday.
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I would question why nothing is being done. I would think Medicare would require he get therapy within a certain period of time after being admitted. He has already used up 4 days of the 20 that Medicare pays 100%.
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You need to ask for care plan meeting with family. There is a reason he "isn't doing anything" and now is the time to find that out. This isn't a prison. If your father is of sound mind and doesn't wish further rehab he can leave the facility. However, there is much to be gained in rehab. Time for a care plan meeting with the POA for your Dad, your Dad, the PT, Dietary, Social Worker, Nursing, all involved in his care. In my brother's case years ago rehab for a month made an ENORMOUS difference in his stamina, his balance, his confidence, his mobility and so many other things. Check this out.
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Tinfen, you need to have a chat with someone at the admin level, or with one of the nurses if admins aren't available.  The purpose would be to share your concerns, acknowledge the Covid situation and that facilities including rehab are short staffed, but express your concern that time is passing and NO progress is being made.   Then ask what the plan is for your father.

He should a least have some attention given to his shortness of breath.  Has he been diagnosed with any pulmonary condition?   Has he been on oxygen?

Share your concerns, and also suggest that perhaps you can meet with the physical therapy staff, and others, so that you can understand how they plan to address his condition before the Medicare paid period runs out. 

I share your concerns, and would be upset as well.  But I've learned over the years that you have to get the staff on your side, acknowledge their difficult situation, and work with them.

If you took your father home, you could get a script from one of his doctors, but home therapy isn't as thorough and helpful (partly b/c of time and also b/c you wouldn't have access to therapy equipment) and he wouldn't progress as much as if he got PT and OT in a rehab facility.

If you don't get support from the staff, ask his cardiologist if you should consider switching rehab places.

Good luck; let us know how this works out after you have a discussion with staff.
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Your dad's in the best place he can be right now. You're not going to be able to provide the kind of progress assessment and conditioning he requires. All facilities are short staffed right now, and it's the week between Christmas and New Year's. They likely aren't staffed up to initiate a new intake's first sessions. Since they get reimbursed for his sessions, those are likely to start soon. If they haven't done any work with him after the end of the first week in January, you should address your concerns to the facility director. He should have a care plan that either he or his POA signed that outlines their goals for him. You might want to see if you can review that.
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It sounds that your father has severe congestive heart failure. Sure you can take him home, but he is not going to get better and most like will continue to go downhill. How old is your father? What type of heart surgery did he have? Coronary bypass? Valve replacement?
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It is a rough time to be in rehab, around the holidays, many out on paid leave. Be patient so he can be patient, things will be back to normal soon.

He had heart surgery three months ago? Was he in the hospital this whole time? That is definitely serious illness. Do not take him home or you may be kicking yourself, drowning in guilt, if something were to cause him to die after getting home.

Let the pros do what they do, they will be back on Monday.

If you believe that his needs are being neglected report the place to the state Department of Human Services and the ombudsman through the Area Agency on Aging.
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if you can have proper care at home (physio, nurse, etc.)

i would say, bring him home. make sure you know everything he’ll need to recover.

soon-new-year hug!!! :)
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LoopyLoo Dec 2021
It is nowhere near as simple as that.


It’s been only four days. Give it time. Yes he wants to go home, but it is dangerous for him to go home without being fully ready.

Also some insurance companies will not cover the expense if you check him out AMA. Unless you can hire therapists and a nurse and pay out of pocket, don’t sabotage his recovery like this.
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JoAnn29 Dec 2021
Insurances will pay for the time he was in a facility. Going AMA means no discharge papers, no scripts, no care set up...
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