
My sister has now blocked my calls from my mothers house along with my kids. In a text she sent to my daughter, she said "Grandma is not going to have any contact with Sharon's side of the family." They still continue to falsely accuse me of stealing my mother's money but they have not provided proof. The only thing is them stating this and putting their accusation on a lawyers letter, but no proof. What can I do, I want to talk to my mother as she just turned 89 and who knows how much longer she has.

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You may wish to contact Adult Protective Agencies and tell them you are being falsely accused by your sister and that she is not allowing you to see the Grandmother. You did, I think, tell us in your last posting that you contacted APS and Police and neither could help you? I could have you confused with someone else. Does Mom live with Sister? Is she suffering from dementia? If Mom doesn't live with the Sister and Mom doesn't have dementia, then there should not be a way for you to be blocked from her. If she does both live with the sister, or suffer dementia, and if the Sister has POA, she can likely keep you away, especially if she has seen a Lawyer and presented evidence of what she considers to be wrong doing. You do not mention what the Lawyer letter says. But they don't write letters accusing you, I think. If you have written your Sister promising NOT to bring up this subject and begging for supervised visits with your Mom, then I cannot see a way. Without the help of Sister, Police or APS I just ran out of ideas. You may also want to ask Sister if you can meet with her with her evidence and your own, in the Lawyer's office. What reasons do you suppose your Sister would like to keep you from your Mother? Do you suspect that the Sister it attempting to get her parent to change wills or something? Given we have only your own side it is of course impossible for us to even begin to imagine what is going on, and certainly, without the help of any agencies we couldn't imagine how to help you.
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Sharbear940 Aug 2020
I will be contacting APS again. Yes, my 1 sister lives with my mom and yes she is suffering from dementia but they will not get her diagnosed.

In a nut shell, the letter said that I stole my mothers money and I need to pay it back but until such time my mother does not want to speak or look at me and not to call or visit. Last time I was able to see my mother she told me to come anytime. Because she cannot remember anything, they make her think I'm a bad person.

They have had a lot of paperwork changed and my mom doesn't know what she has signed and could not tell you.

Thanks for your reply!
On ur profile u say one sister has POA of finances and ur second, in what respect. You share POA or your second in case sister can no longer handle the assignment?

If the later than the sister assigned finances holds the purse strings so how does sister caring for Mom feel ur stealing? Having Medical does not give u power of handling finances.

Do u think sister, because she does the caring, feels she should have the POAs. If Mom has Dementia this won't happen. She is not capable of revoking and reassigning. Ur sister would need to file for guardianship, very expensive. Where is the sister who handles the finances in all this?

I would consult a lawyer. As medical POA I would think u have some rights. Not sure if sister really has the power to keep u away with no POA. I am surprised a lawyer sent you a letter without proof to back it up. I may check him/her out.
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Sharbear940 Aug 2020
One sister is finance and the other is health care POAs now. They changed the health care without telling me. They keep taking my mom, who probably has dementia, but they will not get her diagnosed because then they can't have her sign paperwork.

Unfortunately, I am unemployed and cannot afford a lawyer at this time.

Thanks for the feedback!
I went back and read your previous posts. They start in 2018 questioning BIL being involved in Moms finances. Then another in 2018 about a Trust. Seems maybe you have ruffled some feathers and are being used as a scapegoat.

You better check Moms accts and see if you are still listed. She can have you removed. If you still have access, you may want to see if there are any discrepancies. It would be easy for your sister posing as you to forge ur signature and withdrawal money. My bank allows u to see copies of checks and withdrawls by clicking on the item. If the signature is not yours, the bank should have it on file to compare.

I see a lawyer in ur future. So do as much research as you can. You may no longer be a POA or be on Moms accounts. This has been going on now for 2 yrs. You need to find someone to protect you.
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Sharbear940 Aug 2020
My sisters do not like that I've questioned them about how they were spending the money and my sister's husband has his hands in this heavily which they did to his sisters and do not talk to to this day. I suspect my brother-in-law did the account with my name on it as they had my social security number and this account was done on-line with someone elses name who I don't even know, if that person is real.

I no longer have access to anything and my other sister is the health care POA. I do need someone but able to pay for a lawyer.

Thanks for your feedback!
A letterhead can be forged. I can go online to any attorney and copy n paste their logo into Word and send you a letter. Your first step should be to call the attorney that supposedly sent the letter and validate they even did so. Second step would be to contact a legal aid office in the city where your mother lives, here we have "Greater Bakersfield Legal Services" and they specialize in low/no income housing and senior law. You need to defend yourself and your mother. I am in a somewhat similar situation, and have a phone appointment this week.
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